Chapter 43

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Sohee and Yoongi both came out of the room and approached to Jimin and Yoona and told them about Tae's health. Then Sohee spoke, "Jimin-ah! Go to home and have you dinner. I will stay here. And drop Yoona to her house safely." "But unnie---", spoke Yoona but got cut-off in between by Sohee. She said, "Yoona, I know you care about Tae. But believe me he will be fine now. Go home and take rest. Your parents must be worried. You can come again tomorrow." Yoona agreed and said, "Okay, I will come early morning unnie."

Jimin then said, "I will bring you here tomorrow morning. Lets go now. I can finally eat and sleep now. I swear I will kill that brat tomorrow for making me this much worried. Asshole!" Yoona and Sohee just chuckled. Then Jimin felt a glare at him and it was Yoongi. Jimin looked at him and laughed awkwardly and said, "Haha, I t-think we should leave. Its too l-late." Sohee understood that Jimin is somewhere a little afraid of Yoongi. She chuckled. Jimin and Yoona left from there.

Then Yoongi said, "Hobi, Namjoon-ah, you both can also leave. Its already too much late." Then Hobi spoke, "We can stay here in case you need any help or something."

"No no its fine. Go and take rest you both", said Yoongi. Hobi and Namjoon agreed and started leaving from there. Then Yoongi spoke, "Namjoon-ah! Please inform Jin hyung that everything is fine here. He need not to worry." Namjoon said, "I will tell him but I don't think he will not worry. He must be coming here. I am sure of it." Yoongi sighed and said, "Hmm, he must be hella worried." Then Namjoon spoke, "He will reach soon but still I will inform about everything to him. You guys have your dinner. We are leaving then." Then Yoongi spoke, "Okay, take care. Bye." Hobi and Namjoon both left from there.

Then Sohee said to Yoongi, "Lets go to canteen and bring something to eat." Yoongi nodded and they both went to the canteen. They took some food and sat on the chair and started to eat. Then Yoongi said, "Sohee, you also go and take some rest. I will handle." Sohee spoke, "Yoon, you are already handling everything alone from past years. I am here now with you."

Yoongi smiled. Then he asked, How was talking to Jungkook? He seemed so comfortable with you." Sohee spoke, "Ahhh! At first, he was not at all talking to me. Then I started talking. He was just listening. Then I told him that everything is fine between us now, so he can be comfortable with me. Then he asked me about our breakup. So I told him that it was my mistake and all. He slowly got comfortable with me."

Yoongi nodded his head and said, "Why you told him that it was your mistake? It was somewhere my mistake too." "No it was not. It was totally my mistake that I didn't believed you and then all this happened. And I didn't tell him every detail. I just said that I didn't believed in you for some reason and then we broke up. We will tell everything to Tae and Jungkook once the right time will come", said Sohee. Yoongi didn't spoke anything. Then Sohee said, "Leave it. I will now cheirsh all the happy memories with you and will make new ones." Yoongi smiled and said, "Yes, we will."

They soon finished their food and took some food for Jungkook in the room. When they entered, they saw Jungkook sleeping on the couch and Jin covering him with a comforter. Yoongi spoke gaining Jin's attention, "Hyung!" "Ahh Yoongi-ah, Sohee come. Jungkook slept."

Yoongi nodded. Sohee spoke, "But oppa, his food? He didn't ate anything since he came here." "Don't worry I already made him ate some food", said Jin. "Hmm okay", said Sohee.

Just then Jin spoke, "Yoongi, come with me. I need to talk to you." "Yes hyung", said Yoongi. Jin hummed and went out of the room. Yoongi also went behind him. Jin and Yoongi went to the hospital's balcony. Jin spoke, "Yoongi-ah! How come you didn't knew about his allergy before?" "Hyung, I know it was my carelessness because of which Tae is in this condition today. I never noticed before that wheat based breads or any snacks were banned for us. I thought mom-dad set this rule just for our health but now I know it was because of his severe allergy", said Yoongi.

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