Chapter 91

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Yoongi went to the outer factory area of the city where Jungkook's car has been found. He stepped out of the car and saw Hoseok and Namjoon searching for any clue that could help in finding Jungkook.

As soon as they noticed Yoongi approaching closer to them, they stood straight, stiffening their bodies and spoke, "Boss!"

Yoongi hummed and asked, "What is the progress?" Hobi spoke, "We are searching this whole area to find any clue to find Jungkook. Our team along with Sohee's team is on work. And Namjoon found this syringe here. It smells like some sedatives."

Yoongi took the syringe from Hoseok's hand and smelled it and hummed. He then asked, "What else?" Namjoon spoke, "Come with me.... want to show you something." Namjoon start moving ahead followed by Yoongi. They went to the other side of the road and Namjoon showed him Jungkook's boots, his earrings, his bracelet, his clothes.... everything lying there.

Namjoon spoke, "Lee's are very smart. They knew that we must have installed some tracking device somewhere on Jungkook's things, so they threw everything here before taking him away." Yoongi said, "I knew it already when Jin hyung told me that last location is outer factory area."

Namjoon said, "It means they are not new in this world. They were hiding. They are old players, otherwise new people always do these kind of silly mistakes." Yoongi hummed and spoke, "I am sure if they took Jungkook with them, then they want something big. They will contact us ourselves but we can't wait. They have Jungkook. We need to find them." Namjoon hummed and nodded.

Yoongi again spoke, "We need to get their location as soon as possible. I am sure Jin hyung can get some way to find them through Minho's mobile." "Yeah, lets go back to the base", said Namjoon. Yoongi spoke, "Lets go."

Yoongi examined Jungkook's car before leaving and then they went towards the car. Yoongi said to Hobi, "We are going back to base. You stay here and immediately inform me if you finds something." Hobi nodded and said, "Yes boss!"

Yoongi then sat in his car and drove off towards the base. Namjoon in another car following him.

At the base

Soon they reached the base. Yoongi went into the meeting room followed by Namjoon and found Tae and Jimin sitting there reading some files. Yoongi asked strenly gaining their attention, "What are they doing here? I asked them to be in the room."

Tae and Jimin looked at Yoongi and gulped. Before they could say anything, Sohee spoke, "I asked them to help me. They are reading Lee's information to help us find them. Let them stay here." Yoongi didn't said anything and went towards Jin and asked, "Hyung, you found something?"

Jin looked at Yoongi and spoke, "There are only details of the work Minho did for Lee Heesung. There is nothing about their base or something. I tried to trace their location by using the electronic path through which they sent the video but all the paths were already blocked." Yoongi said, "We need to find them early. They took away Jungkook and that is not a small thing. They definitely want something big."

Jin hummed and spoke, "We can get some information from one person then..... and that is Minho. I can contact him and ask him to meet me and then we can kidnap him and make him speak about the Lee's base or the place where they have kept Jungkook." Yoongi was about to say something, but Namjoon spoke, "But that is useless. Minho might knows that you a part of Bangtan and he is our rival. I think he was just pretending to fall into our trap just to distract us. Why will he tell us something?"

Jin spoke, "No, he was not pretending." Yoongi asked, "How can you say that hyung?" Jin spoke, "See, I looked at all of his data in his mobile phone. He just do things what he is asked to. He then updates Lee Heesung about the work done. That's it. He is just a puppet. He don't know about their plans or anything. So I think he don't know us either. And most importantly, I am confident that I played him nice. He will not doubt on me. We can use him."

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