Chapter 94

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Time skips, around 7 pm

Jin and Minho were still in the forest. They were going more deep into the woods. The sun was about to set and it was getting dark. Jin was holding Minho's hand and Minho was following Jin.

They saw a old abandoned house. Jin spoke, "Look there... there is a house. We can spent our night there and in the early morning, we will leave the mountain and go to my secret hideout." Minho nodded and said, "Okay Jinnie." Jin smiled and said, "Yeahh... Min." They both looked away a little shy.

"Lets go now", said Jin. Minho nodded and they both went towards the house. Jin carefully opened the door and scanned the inside area and spoke, "Nobody is here I think. Lets go in." They both entered inside the house and looked here and there. It was pretty dark and nothing was visible clearly.

Soon their eyes adjusted to the dark. They saw some old furniture lying there covered with a white cloth. A old sofa, a wooden table and a small couch. Jin grabbed the cloth covering the sofa and pulled it off the sofa. It was full of dust and the dust particles spread into the air making Jin cough a little. Minho laughed a little.

Jin looked at him and spoke, "You laughing at me, huh?" Minho said, "Look at your face. You are so annoyed with just some dust particles." Jin didn't spoke anything and moved the cloth a little towards Minho's face and jerked it making the dust particles spread around Minho's face. Minho also coughed a little. This time Jin laughed and spoke, "Now who is annoyed by the little dust, huh?"

Minho glared at Jin and spoke, "I am not talking to you now. Go away." Jin spoke, "Okay okay sorry. Don't get angry." Minho crossed his hands over his chest and turned around and didn't said anything. Jin went towards him and back hugged him and spoke, "Min sorry na.... I was just joking." "I will forgive you on one condition", said Minho.

"Okay, tell me", said Jin. "So, you have to promise me that you will never leave me alone", said Minho. Jin smiled and turned Minho towards himself and said, "Promise... I will not leave you alone." Minho smiled again. Jin asked, "Now, you are not angry right?" Minho shook his head and spoke, "No, I am not but I am hungry."

"Me too. What can we do now? I don't think we will find anything to eat here", said Jin. "Hmm, right", said Minho. Jin looked here and there and was trying to figure out what to do. He was looking worried. Minho spoke gaining his attention, "Its okay. Lets rest for now. We will eat in the morning when we will leave from here." Jin just hummed sadly.

"Its okay Jin. I am fine", said Minho. Jin pouted and hummed again. Minho went closer to Jin and hugged him and spoke, "Everything will be fine." "Yeah, it will be", said Jin. "Now stop pouting otherwise I will kiss you", said Minho.

"Who is stopping you then?", said Jin. "W-what?", asked Minho while blushing. Jin took some steps towards Minho and caged him between his arms and said in a deep voice, "You were being all bold a little while ago. Now what happened, huh? Come on... kiss me. I am all yours."

Minho placed his hands on Jin's chest and looked away and stuttered a little, "I.... I-i ......"

"What, huh?", said Jin like a whisper and leaned his head closer to Minho's neck. He ran his lips on Minho's neck. Shivers ran down through Minho's spine. "J-jin... what are you doing?", said Minho. "Nothing... just standing close to you", said Jin still running his lips on his neck.

"J-jin -------", said Minho but stopped when heard a loud bang. Jin and Minho flinched and backed away from each other. They looked at the door and saw it flung open and many men in black were coming towards them.

Before Jin could do anything, two men came and grabbed Minho by his arms and pinned him harshly on the wall. Other four guards grabbed Jin and immediately cuffed his hands behind his back and made him kneel down on the floor by hitting his legs.

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