alone time

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POV: Celeste

She's still so sweet.

I can tell that she's not fully opening up to me, but this was a start.

We talked almost the whole way to her apartment building and we still have quite a lot in common, at least on the topics I managed to bring up. The longer we talked, though, the more I realised she has no clue who I am. I had already expected that but it still hurts.

I pray to myself as I drive home that I can rebuild our relationship, and hopefully take it further than we ever got before. So far it's going well.

She was quiet for quite a while after those two men, obviously drunk, and I didn't want to push her. I remember her always struggling to stand up for herself and being quite sheepish but never to that degree. It does concern me and I want to question her about it, but with some of her behaviour I don't think that'll help and it will probably just push her away.

The traffic is horrendous in her area and I let my mind wander as I sit in the congestion, reminding myself of her beauty, as I've done ever since I found her again. I rub my arm as it gets itchy, suddenly recalling that Nyoka's jumper is on me.

It hadn't bothered me before, I'd barely noticed it. Now I've become hyper aware of the soft material coating me and her soft floral scent that lingers in the fibres. Dragging the fabric up to my nose, I take a deep whiff of the perfume left on her clothes, knowing that it's creepy but I don't care. Her scent is intoxicating.

As I drive home, finally escaping that long line of congestion, I continue to take deep sniffs of her jumper as I park in my garage, the door closing automatically behind me. I slam my car door and unzip her jumper, removing it from my body to hold against my face like a protective mask as I slip into my house, snatching a snack from the kitchen and filling a large glass with ice and water before jogging up the stairs, closing my door firmly behind me, clicking on the lock.

Throwing the jumper onto my double bed, the sheets still messy from when I got up this morning, I gather my night shirt. I refuse to wear bottoms when I go to sleep and just stay in my underwear, which often makes my evening plans simpler.

After a long time of debate, I lay Nyoka's jumper on my chest, taking in its sweet and delicate scent. As I lay on top of my sheets, I debate actually pleasuring myself. I know that it is weird and if Nyoka finds out that I pleasured myself around her jumper she'll definitely think less of me.

Even as I debate, I feel myself getting turned on, my mind picturing her in front of me as I slowly drag down my underwear. Despite knowing how horrible and inappropriate this is, I don't care. I need a release. I need a release from her.

While I can pleasure myself, it doesn't satisfy me enough, but I don't want a hook up with some random person I find at a bar. I want her. I have for years. Just as I was ready to get over her, I found her again. Now my dreams have been becoming ever more vivid and leave me even more desperate.

I imagine Nyoka standing next to my bed, her clothes much more revealing than usual. She's basically wearing conservative lingerie that clings to every curve of her body. She smiles at me as she kneels on the bed, leaning over me, stradling my thighs. In reality my underwear is off, chucked recklessly onto the floor, my hand tenderly wrapped around my hardening dick.

Nyoka teasingly slips off the straps of the little clothing she's wearing, smiling slyly at me as if she knows what she's doing to me, making me even more desperate. My mind is increasingly vivid the longer this goes on until she's almost completely bare in front of me, only her crotch covered by her stripped clothes. I want to reach out and grab her soft and round breasts but I keep my hand firmly around my dick.

As Nyoka leans in to my neck, roughly leaving kisses down my neck, from my ear to my collar bone, sucking at each spot her lips touch, her hips grinding against my legs as she slips off the final sliver of fabric concealing her, my hand starts to move instantly making me quietly moan. I bite my lip to stifle my noise but stop as I recall that no one else is in my house. I don't need to be quiet.

Moans fall from my mouth hung open in pleasure as I fuck her, my dick slipping into her, tears instantly filling her eyes from overstimulation as she stretches and clenches around me. I kiss her tenderly as she struggles to keep up, the stimulation from me thrusting into her becomes too much for her to keep up her flirtatious behaviour.

I love the moans that spill from her lips as I pleasure her, only growing my pleasure as I jack off. I hold her hips and keep her down as I thrust into her, pounding deeper and deeper, hitting her sweet spots and making her moans louder until she's screaming in pleasure.

She comes before I do but I don't stop, helping her ride out her orgasm, continuing harshly through it until she's begging me, tears streaming from her pale eyes like waterfalls. I soothe and assure her as I keep going until I finish, taking a deep sniff of her as I keep going until she finishes again. I help her through her second orgasm before letting her gently slip off my dick and lay on the bed beside me, catching her breath.

I cradle her as I enjoy her scent and the feeling of comforting her after being so rough. As I return to my senses, I open my eyes, hugging her jumper to my face, slightly disappointed that she isn't really beside me. I take deep breaths to calm myself down, finding myself only partially relieved, knowing that Nyoka could definitely help me more. I curl around her jumper as I smell it, drifting off, not bothering to drag my covers over me.

I'm a disgusting human being and I know it but I need some relief from my decade long craving for her.

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