holding her close

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POV: Nyoka

[The Next Day]

I'm glad that Celeste has taken some time off work to stay with me at the hospital since, with all the hospital noises around, my mind has barely been able to relax and allow me to get a decent amount of sleep.

She's been snuggling with me every night and playing some of the board and card games the hospital has to keep me entertained.

I'm still bored out of my mind but if Celeste wasn't here I'd be even more bored so I suppose I can't complain.

Celeste left to get us some food so that I don't starve since I'm really hungry but today I really wish she hadn't left. Today I just feel uncomfortable being alone even though I know there's a tone of people always around and nearby incase I need them.

As I wash my hands and face in the small bathroom that comes off my room, I swear I hear the door open, my stomach growling.

"Celeste, I'm surprised you're back so soon," I call into the room. "Was the line too long again?"

The voice that calls back makes my stomach sink and all my appetite vanish.

"Nyoka, sweetheart! Where are you?"

Not my mother...

How the fuck did she find me here? I know she somehow managed to find my apartment even though I never told anyone from my past the town I was moving to let alone my address, but how did she know what hospital and what room I'm in?

As trundle alongside me the small piece of medical equipment that is ensuring I have enough water in my body since I'm still throwing up quite a bit, I peer my head round the edge of the bathroom door, my stomach instantly churning and my legs getting weaker.

"Mama, what are you doing here?" I mutter, balancing myself with the room's furniture.

"Oh, darling!' She cries, carelessly pulling me into a hug, not minding the small tube in my arm. "It's been so long since I've seen you. Look at you! You've grown up so much."

"I don't think I've aged much-"

"Nonsense," she interrupts. "You look so much more mature. It suits you, darling."

"Mama, how did you know I was here?" I mutter as she frees me from her arms to be nosy around the room that is quite small.

"Doesn't matter, now darling," she quickly says, "I'm here to ask you why you left him? He's sorry if he did do anything to upset you, he just wants you back."

"He raped me!" I scream at her.

He can't seriously be manipulative enough to convince them that he wasn't at least abusive. Also, I thought that no one other than Celeste was meant to be allowed into my room.

"He just touched you a bit and you overreacted," she retorts. "Nothing to get someone sent to prison for."

As she begins trying to convince me to get back together with him, her words completely ignorant to what actually happened between us, I have to sit down as nausea overwhelms me again but I don't want to leave her alone in my room while I throw up again.

She keeps rambling as I sit on the bed, trying to hold back my need to hurl. I just want Celeste to be back so that she can deal with this. I'm too tired to argue with my mother.

"Nyoka, I'm back. They didn't have your favourite cookie so I got the second best one, I hope that's alright-"

Celeste freezes as she spots my mother lingering in my room, her perfume far too strong as it begins contaminating the air. Her mood instantly drops as she places down the food she brought on the table beside me.

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