hangover breakfast

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POV: Nyoka

My head hurts so much.

Throbbing waves of a headache go through my skull as my eyes ache from the small bit of light seeping over my bedroom curtains.

I groan as I rub my eyes, my body a little cold since I can't drag my sheets over me. My back aches from being arched over the pile of clothes I'd dumped on my bed last night and never tidied up.

My body is still covered with the dress I wore last night, the skirt rolled up a little from how I curl up while sleeping. The slit in the skirt has folded up so that my underwear is peaking out.

I know that I got quite drunk last night but I have no idea what I ended up doing. When I'm drunk I get quite flirty and physical and with my feeling towards Celeste that I don't fully understand I have no idea what I might have done to her.

I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself.

As I try to wake up and fight my hangover the intoxicating and delightful smell of breakfast frying in a greasy pan fills my nose instantly making my mouth water.

Its scent gives me enough motivation to roll out of bed, supporting myself with the walls as I stumble out of my room, still groggy, wondering if Celeste decided to stay the night. If she did stay it only makes me wonder why.

Music plays from Celeste’s phone on the counter as she pokes at the bacon and eggs she's frying in the same pan. Her hips sway as she mumbles along to the music, keeping quiet in case I'm still asleep.

"Watcha cooking?" I ask over her shoulder, watching as she jumps a little.

"Good morning, Nyoka. Sorry, did I wake you?"

I shake my head, hiding a yawn with the back of my hand as I lean on the counter to watch her cook. It's never occurred to me how attractive someone can be just by knowing how to cook for me and them.

"You didn't answer my question," I state earning a soft chuckle from her.

"A full English breakfast, minus the tomatoes and black pudding cause I don't like those," she responds, poking at the bacon in the pan as it sizzles away.

"Me neither. Can I ask, Celeste, did you stay the night?" Celeste nods with a hum. "Why?"

She pauses, grumbling to herself before removing the pan from the stove, scraping equal portions of fried eggs and bacon onto each plate.

"Well, you seemed quite drunk and I didn't know if you'd need any help overnight so I decided to sleep on your couch in case you needed me," she finally explains.

I nod and wait for her to finish cooking and putting everything onto the plates before coming up with another question to ask but I'm nervous for the answer.

Celeste is quite honest with her answers to my questions which makes me even more nervous to ask. While I appreciate her honesty it does make me a little nervous.

We sit in my living room to eat since I don't have a dinner table anywhere in my small apartment to eat and I can feel Celeste’s eyes on me as if she knows I have more questions in my mind that I'm too scared to ask.


"Alright," she interrupts with a sigh, "I suppose you're nervous about what you did last night?"

I nod. Am I really that predictable?

"You didn't do much but you were quite flirty and touchy with me after a drink or two. You are also surprisingly strong when drunk. You managed to pin me against my car, which was a surprise," she chuckles as my cheeks flush.

"I'm so sorry," I mutter, unable to look at her.

"There's no need to apologise. Though I would have preferred a little more warning of how flirty you get when drunk," she adds, patting my head in an attempt to comfort me.

I grumble and eat as much of my breakfast as I can in silence, unable to even look at her as she sits behind me, her eyes occasionally glancing down to me as I sit on the floor.

Why did I have to get drunk? I knew exactly how I act after even a small drip of alcohol so why would I even risk it?

After Celeste has finished eating I take both of the plates to wash them up since I feel bad for her doing so much work and worrying herself so much while I was asleep, completely unaware of what she was doing.

My fingers quickly go numb to the heat of the soapy water as I wash up everything from our breakfast, the burning heat distracting my mind from the horrendous headache that is only growing the longer I walk around and try to remember exactly what I did last night.

Celeste’s voice suddenly calls out from behind me as she leans against the doorframe to the kitchen.

"Do you mind if I use your shower?" She asks.

I nod and help her get a clean towel so thatnshe doesn’t have to use my worn out one that definitely needs a wash and has for a while.

She doesn't say much else as she goes to shower leaving me to clean up the kitchen and fold the blanket she used to keep herself warm as she slept on my couch. I can't help but feel bad because I know my couch isn't the most comfortable place to sleep and is too small for even me to lay on so Celeste’s neck must be really achy.

I don't have work today so while Celeste is in the shower I change out of my dress from last night and into a baggy shirt and shorts before beginning to tediously hang up all my clothes again, setting aside the ones that need to be ironed again.

Celeste stays in the bathroom for a long time even after the shower is turned off making me wonder what's taking so long. It isn't long before I get an answer though because Celeste steps into the living room, rubbing her dripping hair with a towel as the rest of her body is covered in the same clothes she was wearing last night.

"Where’s your hairdryer?" She asks as she tries to dry her hair with her towel.

I direct her to my bedroom and she disappears again and the loud sound of the hairdryer sounds through my apartment. As it keeps going I try to use the TV to drown out its sound that makes my headache throb again.

Celeste returns a few minutes later, her hair a bit dryer than it was before but still wet enough to be dripping down her back and leave wet marks on her shirt.

She gathers up her things without saying anything, putting the towel she used in the washing basket. I watch her closely, stopping her as she moves for the door.

"Do you have to go to work today?" I ask, grabbing he wrist to stop her from leaving so abruptly.

"Yeah, but if you're not feeling well I can stay with you," she quickly offers, reaching out her hand to check my temperature from my forehead.

I bat her hand away. "No, no, no. You need to work and you've already spent the night here, I don't want to be anymore of a bother to you."

"Alright, just feel free to call me if you need anything from me, okay?"

I nod and bid her goodbye and my eyes can't help but focus on the slight sway of her hips as she bids me goodbye and walks away back to her car. I know she's already late for work but I kind of want her to stay the day with me-

What the hell am I thinking?

I'm thinking like we're a married couple ready when I'm not even certain that I like her like that. I don't think I do. Or...

Do I like Celeste like that?

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