dinner time

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POV: Celeste

I had kind of hoped she'd be ready by the time I came to pick her up but I guess she isn't because she's still in her bedroom.

I settle on her couch as I wait for her, spreading my legs wide as I get comfortable. Luckily I had reserved our table for later so that we weren't rushed and with how long Nyoka's taking I'm so glad I did.

As I wait for her, Nyoka's phone chimes with a notification and my eyes automatically glance over to it, catching sight of my contact on Nyoka's phone since she never flicks away message notifications.

"Um, Nyoka," I call out to her.

"Yeah?" She calls back, her voice sounding tired.

"Why is my contact on your phone 'Seal'?" I ask, unable to contain my laughter.

"Oh, because on my contacts I give almost everyone nicknames," she calls back.

"And why 'Seal'?" I ask, really uncertain about what her answer is going to be though I know it'll probably be innocent and sweet.

"Because when you're excited you clap your hands like a happy seal," she replies in the cutest voice.

I chuckle and go back to waiting for her to show me what she's going to wear tonight. My mind hopes that it'll be something that shows off her body and her beautiful skin but knowing her usual style I doubt she'll wear anything like that.

I start to get concerned after another few minutes have passed. I know that sometimes getting ready can take a long time but this is feels weird.

It's not long before find out what's taking her so long and why she's resting my patience.

"Um, Celeste," Nyoka asks, her head peering around the corner. "Could I get your opinion on something?"

I nod and she nervously steps out, her body covered in a slim fitting black dress with a slit up the skirt that reveals more of her thigh than I expected she would allow. It has a turtleneck top that reveals her shoulders but covers her collar bone and chest, disappointing me a little.

All the fabric holds tightly onto her figure that's normally covered by baggy clothes, emphasising her beautiful figure and her round chest and curvy hips, even showing off her small hip dips and the small rolls of her stomach that I adore.

"Is this too much, or is it okay, or what?" She asks as she shuffles from side to side, fiddling with her fingers as she's unable to look me in the eye.

"You look perfect," I say, barely thinking about it as my eyes glide up and down her figure.

Nyoka moans a little in complaint, uncomfortable with me staring at her figure which she so rarely exposes. I  turn my face away as I apologise, realising that I shouldn't stare at her much longer.

"Are you ready to go then?" I ask to divert our minds from the uncomfortable situation I created.

"Not really but I can leave now if we need to," she mumbles, rubbing her arms anxiously.

"There's no need to worry. We have plenty of time so I can wait until you're comfortable enough to go. What else do you have to do?"

"Maybe some makeup and my hair," she mumbles. "And maybe change again."

I sigh, knowing that I need to put a stop to this or we'll be here all night. I understand that she isn't the most confident or decisive but I need to put my foot down.

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