drunk secrets

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POV: Celeste

[The Next Day]

It's been a few hours since I finished Nyoka's tattoo since it ended up taking two days to complete with how much we talked.

I had no fucking clue how much shit she's been through since we last saw each other. She's so strong for dealing with all of that but it does explain a lot of her behaviour.

After each day of me working on her we got a takeaway she wanted and I drove her home, spending the evening there to help her since changing her clothes and reaching for anything was bringing her so much discomfort.

I went home once she was comfortably in bed and I'd tidied everything up but tonight she insisted on me staying over, too comfortable to shuffle from her position leaning against me as another movie finishes. We've had quite a few drinks so I'm surprised she isn't being her drunk, flirty self right now.

Instead, she's drifting off as she slips off my shoulders, moving to lay on my lap instead as she begins to drool a little. I can't help but smile as I wipe away the saliva trickling down from her mouth as she nestles into me, her fingers griping at my shirt to prevent me from leaving her.

I check my watch as the film ends, nudging Nyoka to wake her up. She grumbles, tugging even more at my shirt as she curls up, determined to remain asleep.

She groans as I nudge her again, finally waking her up enough for her eyes to squint open and look up to me, her lip pouty as she rubs her eyes, sitting up and crossing her legs.

"What is it?" She whines, still sleepy making her seem absolutely adorable in my eyes.

"I just want to clean and check on your tattoo," I insist, reaching out for her but she reels back from me.

A small part of her tattoo began to bleed and welt the longer I worked on it and I'm worried that it might still be troublesome if I leave it to fester.

"Nyoka, please just let me see if it's okay," I insist and she settles long enough for me to roll up the bottom of her shirt enough to check on all the protective layers over her tattoo.

As I check over it, Nyoka keeps subtly whimpering, wriggling under my touch, eventually settling and waiting for me to be done.

Seeing that everything's okay and shouldn't cause her any problems, I roll her shirt back down, sitting up, my eyes instantly locking into hers as she leans in close to me, her eyes darting around my eyes, searching for something.

"Can I help you?" I whisper watching a Nyoka nibbles her bottom lip.

I guess the alcohol is starting to work on her as she leans in closer until I can feel her warm breath brushing over my face. My heart begins to pound in my chest as she leans in to me, her arms resting either side of my body as she almost leans over me.

She suddenly pulls back, getting off her couch and beginning to pace in front of me. I let her walk from side to side as long as she needs before she sits back down on her couch as far as she can from me.

"Nyoka, what's wrong?" I ask, shuffling closer to her and resting my hand on her knee as she begins bouncing it.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, Celeste?" She asks, refusing to look at me.

"What do you mean?"

She grumbles and fiddles with her fingers, not answering me, instead trying to shuffle away from me. I grab her hand to stop her from almost breaking her fingers and wrap my arm around her waist to stop her from falling off the couch.

"You know so much about me but I barely know anything about you and I know you have so much more to tell me that you are choosing not to," she rants, finally turning to me, clearly upset.

I can't help but sigh. I know she's drunk and probably won't remember any of this but I don't want her to be upset with me, even if she won't remember what I tell her.

As Nyoka begins to get even more frustrated with me I hold the side of her face, ensuring she keeps looking at me even as tears fill the corners of her eyes.

"Nyoka, I don't want you to think differently if I do tell you," I mumble to her, my thumb rubbing her cheek. "I especially don't want you to hate me because of this."

Nyoka gently holds my hand, lowering it from her face, placing my hand on her knee instead, letting me softly squeeze it as I take deep breaths, nervous to admit everything to her.

She patiently waits for me to speak, turning off the TV during my silence. Her eyes are soft but still desperately wanting me to speak.

"Please, Celeste," Nyoka whines, getting impatient with me, slapping my knee as she gets frustrated.

"Fine, but I need you to swear you won't think of me differently."


Hey, guys!

Thanks for all the support on 'She's My Curse'. Seriously, thank you all so fucking much!

Updates on this story have been slow but I'm still trying so please be patient and if you could please interact a little more with this story that would be appreciated

(just so that I know you guys are enjoying it.)

Until then, you're left on a bit of a cliffhanger.

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