the test

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Note: I know this part has a lot I inaccuracies. Just let it be. I know about them and can't be bothered to get it correct. This is fictional, after all.

POV: Celeste

Shit. I've fucked up.

I fucked her and fucked up everything.

I've never seen Nyoka so pissed at anyone like that before. Her face went red as she basically screamed at me.

I know she's scared, I am too, but I still feel horrible from her yelling at me with so much passion. I didn't mean to risk our whole relationship by just having unprotected sex with her once.

For one day I was so happy. I was satisfied after this morning. I know I might have been a bit rough but she seemed to feel just as good as I did after. I went to work overjoyed and in a good mood, impatient to get back home to my new girlfriend all day. Now I've gotten home everything has just crumbled.

I should have been more responsible with her. I shouldn't have came in her and risked getting her pregnant when she isn't ready to be.

It's been almost an hour since Nyoka screamed at me and she still hasn't come into the living room where I'm nervously waiting. I don't want to go after her before she's ready. She's mad enough at me as it is.

I can't handle her screaming at me even more.

I think she went into her bedroom a while ago to be left alone so perhaps she went to bed?

It's not long before I get my answer as I hear her bedroom door open. She doesn't instantly come into the living room as I hear her go into the kitchen and getting a glass of water.

I patiently wait for her and sit up to attention as she steps into the room, sipping from her glass of water, refusing to make eye contact with me. She sits on the opposite side of the couch from me, placing down her glass with a tired sigh before turning to face me.

The instant her eyes land on me she groans and closes her eyes again, pinching the bridge between her nose. She's clearly struggling to stop herself from screaming at me again.

"Okay, Celeste," she mutters. "I'm trying my best not to be mad at you right now so please just listen to what I have to say."

I nod, paying my utmost attention to her. I really don't want to piss her off any more.

"Okay, I'm not upset. I just...I'm scared," she admits, resting her head in her hands, rubbing her face. "It doesn't matter if I am pregnant, I'd prefer not to be, but if I am, I still love you and I don't want the thing between us that has barely started to be destroyed like this."

"Me neither, Nyoka. I'm so sorry for giving you so much stress. You can scream and hit me as much as you want to, I deserve it."

"Celeste...I'm too tired to deal with you right now," Nyoka sighs, rubbing her eyes and leaning back on her couch. "I just want to take a test and sort this out right now."

I nod and follow her instructions to get it ready for her, letting her take it before sitting with her and cuddling as we wait for the results. Nyoka instantly began crying once she took it and sat down with me, sobbing into my shoulder.

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