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"Let's break up."

Ethan stared at the beautiful woman with (hair/length) (hair/colour) in front of him. He frowned when he saw how serious she was about her words by looking at her (eye/colour) that seemingly brimming with determination. 'She's joking, right? She loves me. She won't leave me,' thought the man in his early twenties while hiding his bloody palm from fisting it too hard under the table in the cafe where they both agreed to meet. They were supposed to have a date, what went wrong?

"You're joking right?" He found the courage to voice out his thought, beads of sweat already forming on his forehead.

"No Ethan. I am not joking. Let me repeat myself. I want to break up with you," (First/name) sternly said. Ethan widened his eyes as his girlfriend finished the sentence.

"Wait (F/n)! But why? What have I done?" He said loudly, not caring about the garnered attention around him. And it seems (F/n) ignored them too.

"This relationship is going nowhere Ethan," (F/n) glared at him causing him to flinch at the cold look.

"But-" He was cut off when (F/n) grabbed her handbag on the table and make her way out of the cafe. Ethan reached out for her wrist resulting in her to stop making any movement.

"Let go, Ethan!" She snapped.

"Can you at least explain to me why did you come out with this idea?" Ethan looked at her with sadness in his electric blue eyes. (F/n) gives a cold stare before freeing her wrist from his grip harshly.

"I don't love you anymore. Is the explanation enough for you?" (F/n) sneered before walking away. Leaving the brown-haired man sitting inside the cafe alone. There are murmurs from other customers but he just ignores it. Too hurt to even bother with them. Too hurt to even think properly right now. He gritted his teeth, standing up rashly almost knocking the chair down and ran to the door to find his now ex-girlfriend. Oh, how much he hated that word.

However, her silhouette was nowhere to be seen as the crowd of pedestrians covered his view. A low groan of frustration escaped his lips before he ran forward, trying to find the love of his life. He doesn't care if she treats him like trash. He doesn't care if she treats him like a slave. He doesn't even care if she wants to kill him. He only wants to be by her side. That is the only wish he wants her to grant him.

He continued to run aimlessly, locking his eyes on every single person he saw as he passes them. The people around him looked at him worriedly when they saw his bloody palms and his frustrated state.

After an hour of running, he stops. Crouching down and let the tears that he had been holding for some time streaming down his cheeks. This is too much for him to handle. The pain is too much that he couldn't endure it.

"(F/n), please come back," he whispered bitterly.


Ethan walked through the pathway, looking down at the ground. He doesn't want people's sympathy. He loathed that look on their faces. He continued to walk, ignoring the sound of people yelling behind him, he doesn't even lift his head when he heard the car honking. Before he knew it, he was hit by a great force that sends him flying on top of the car that hit him and rolled on it for a few seconds before his body hit the ground. Blood spurted out of his mouth as the brutal hit started to take a toll on his body. He weakly turned his body so that he was facing the blue sky.

Ethan coughed, causing more blood to gush out. He tried to ignore the pain of his bones from bending awkwardly by looking at the blue sky. He stared at the cloud that slowly formed into (F/n)'s face. He painfully laughed, each movement was torture. The sky was suddenly covered from his view as the pedestrian started to crowd around him. He could only see their mouths moving but no sound reached his ears.

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