The Meeting

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(F/n) put down her phone on the nightstand after she gives a call to the officer. They agreed to meet at a cafe street away from her neighbourhood tomorrow. (F/n) sighed, walking out of her room and towards the kitchen to moisten her parched throat. She took one of the neatly arranged glasses in the cabinet and filled it with cold liquid from the water dispenser.

While she was washing her hands and the glass, suddenly she felt something walk past her, leaving a slightly cold breeze behind. Instantly, she turned her body only to find nothing. She blinked her eyes a few times before shaking her head. Assuming it was just her imagination due to her tiredness. She decided to call it a day considering the clock already struck ten sharp.

(F/n) lay down on her comfortable bed and pull the quilt until it reached her neck. However, she couldn't help but shiver at the cold air. She creases her forehead when she saw the air conditioner was no lower than twenty, so how can the room be this cold? (F/n) ignored the feeling and forced herself to sleep and succeed after a few times of changing sleeping positions.

Not aware of a pair of gleaming eyes staring at her from the corner of her room with a predatory smile lying playfully on his thin lips. Watching her until the break of dawn.


(F/n) groaned one more time in annoyance as she glance at her watch for a hundredth time. She rolled her eyes, leaning her back on the chair before crossing her arms on her chest. Tapping her finger against the covered skin rapidly, showing her impatience from the grievance she had suffered. She fluttered her eyes shut, hoping the building anger to be swept away as she took a deep breath. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes filled with her usual calmness.

'They are late for 45 minutes!' (F/n) mentally screamed. She sighed for god know how many times. She sipped the (favourite/hot/drink) she had ordered a while ago and it has gone cold. Very cold. Presenting the state of her heart right now.

She roughly slams the delicate white cup onto its saucer making a loud clanking sound which causes the other customers to turn their heads to find the source of the sound before going back to what they were doing. (F/n) shook her head, grabbed her handbag and stood on her feet. Before she could take another step to make her way out of the cafe, the bell jingles at the entrance door, indicating someone has entered the cafe.

(F/n) looked up and saw the officers she saw yesterday. She held back the mocking smirk that was threatening to form on her lips. She quietly sat back down and stared at the officers who were searching for her. Finally, her eyes met the officer named George. She saw he nudged his friend, Dean and walked towards her.

"We apologize for our lateness. An accident happened, we have to go ther-"

"It's okay, take a seat." (F/n) cut off George's words. George took a look at her before pulling back a chair and sat down opposite her. Dean followed his action.

"Please order something. You look quite beat up," (F/n) called the waiter to take George and Dean's order.

"So, what do you want to know?" (F/n) asked, leaning forward to place both her elbows on the table before clasping both hands to support her chin that she placed on the back of her hands. Her slender arms were exposed due to her posture.

George cleared his throat before speaking while Dean was ready with his notebook and a pen in his hand.

"We will only ask a few questions," George stated. His blue eyes met with her (e/c) ones. (F/n) was in a daze for a while as she remembered Ethan's beautiful electric blue eyes. His was a shade darker than the officer's. She shook away her thought.

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