A Company

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(F/n) rubbed the tears on her face before getting up and walking to the door as she heard the repeating knocking from the other side. She opened the door wide enough to see who the guest was, as soon as she saw the visitor, she quickly slam the door shut but the visitor was quick enough to stop her by putting their foot between the door and the door frame.

"That hurts! Open it!" Yelled the person. (F/n) let out a low groan but still, open the door. There, stood her older brother who was away for a few months because his presence was required in the laboratory he worked at. It has been quite a while since she last saw him but the separation didn't make their relationship awkward as they have always kept in touch and were inseparable since they were little. Same hair colour but different eyes, she had her (e/c) from their mother while he got (e/c) from their dad.

"What do you want, (your/brother/name)?" (F/n) asked lazily.

"What, I can't even visit my dear sister? This is my home too. Don't you miss me? I still remember when you were crying because I went outside to the grocery store thinking I left you. You were so cute before. Good times." (y/b/n) pouted. He scrutinized his sister's face before frowning after noticing her silence.

"Did you cry? What happened? Did anyone hurt you? Tell me," he asked while grabbing her face, turning it side to side. (F/n) snorted, pushing away his hands.

"I was watching a drama. Come inside, you are making a scene," (F/n) pulled him in after noticing her neighbours who were getting ready to go out glancing her way.

"I can't help that I am so handsome," he shrugged causing (F/n) to roll her eyes.

As they went to the living room, (F/n) and her brother slumped on the couch, staring at the black television screen.

"You said you were watching a drama," (y/b/n) asked as he continues to stare at the blank screen reflecting their figures.

"I was watching it on my phone," (F/n) lied smoothly. Ignoring the look her brother threw her. Finally, he turned away after finding there was nothing unusual about her.

"So, I heard about Ethan," (y/b/n) glanced at his sister to see her reaction but to his disappointment, she doesn't show any. Her finger slowly tapped her thigh, as if it was some kind of assurance.

"How much?" (F/n) asked, avoiding any emotions.

"That he died, that's all," he hesitated for a while.

"I broke up with him before he died," (F/n) said causing (y/b/n) to widen his eyes. He quickly turned his body to face her. Disbelief coloured his face.

"What? Why? I thought you two were the most compatible and romantic couple in the world!" Her brother creased his forehead. A second passed, and he saw the look on her sister's face. A sudden realization struck him.

"Is it because of the-" he was cut off by (F/n) instantly.

"Yes. Because of that." Finally, he can see the emotion swirling in her eyes. Sadness. (y/b/n) took a deep breath before pulling her sister into a tight hug. He buried her face in the crook of his neck. Patting her back gently. Eyes staring into the distance.

"I, I can't handle it, my thoughts. They are going crazy," (F/n) gripped her hair.

"My poor baby sister," he tightened his hug as soon as he felt something wet sliding down his collarbone to his chest. Tears. He patiently comfort his sister until she was no longer crying.

"You okay now?" he pulled away to look at her tear-stained face. She just nodded. (y/b/n) patted her head and smiled softly at her. He stared at her face for a while before an idea popped into his mind.

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