Lucky Star

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Every person has a lucky star. It shows what kind of person they will become. Some are told they will become successful, while others will become famous. Some are born under stars with no meaning, others are born under full constellation and then there is a one in a thousand chance for someone to be born under starless skies. One such person was the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, the sole person we can thank for challenging geocentrism, the belief that everything circulates the Earth. People back then believed that he was born on a night without a star in the sky, and because of that he was born with a compass for righteousness and truth. That speculation was proven true almost a millenia later. Turns out that the stars really predict one's purpose to the smallest detail. They have never been incorrect for as long as this belief and study existed. 

Those born under brighter stars have a higher chance of becoming successful or influential, while those born under dimmer stars are destined to be weaker in every prospect of life compared to brighter ones. Celebrities, actors, influencers, all of them were born under the brightest stars during their night, while common people, beggars, sick people and others were born under dimmer stars or ones with no meaning. Dimmers, names for those born under dim stars, have to fight for everything they earn, while shiners get everything they want on a silver platter. In between shiners and dimmers there is a gray area, that space is for abyssals, those unlucky enough to be born under skies with no lights. They are the laughing stock for even the lowest of dimmers. It is said that abyssals have no future since even the stars couldn't predict what they will be. However, abyssals have a neat trick up their sleeves, they are all born with a special sixth sense. Each abyssal's sixth sense is different. Those senses develop from ages of ten to twelve, but they have to be hidden since their senses aren't welcomed in the normal society. Because of that abyssals have to hide and pretend to be apart of normal world while they hide an ugly secret.

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