Friendly Encounters

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A young Aster Galilei was born as an abyssal, but lives his life as a dimmer. He plays tricks on his friends, since his parents are street magicians. He keeps a low profile in a high school with mostly shiners who couldn't care less for him. He keeps his friends close and pretends so he can survive.

His acceptance to Solar High was nothing short of a miracle. Solar High is a place where shiners are expected to show their talents in front of a crowd of mostly famous and well decorated people to employ them.  Of course Aster doesn't get the same chances as his friends, but he still gets to see them show off in front of all those rich and famous people that keep their wallets far away. When he gets the chance, Aster pickpockets while the crowd is watching the monthly showcase. He had mostly luck with these tricks, sometimes he would get too greedy, but he never got caught. His sixth sense allows him to see one's focus. He sees strings that are attached from the persons eyes to a single mark that person is looking at. Around that string is a small amount of light which represents a persons perpetual vision. When Aster sees that he isn't near that string or in the range of the light, he sees an opportunity to strike. He usually takes wallets, jewelry or watches, the minor things that those rich folk wouldn't mind loosing. Once he was done looting the rich he would leave the auditorium and wait for his friends to be done showing off.

The first person that left the show was Lily, short for Liliane, her parents were successful musicians who were all born under Eta Piscium, the brightest star in Pisces. Her family was born to do music to the point that even their talking sounds musical. Her mom is an amazing singer who made headlines ten years back, but now she took a step back and is currently trying to teach her daughter to become as successful as she was. Her dad on the other hand is a musical fanatic, he wrote about twelve or so plays in his forty years carrier.

"I hope they enjoyed my performance, I gave it my all." said Lily with an exhausted expression.
"I watched you, you we're amazing, such power in you voice." Aster exclaimed with a sarcastic tone.
"Quit with that, I know I was great and I don't need you're or any man's opinion about it. You all just say that to butter me up before asking me out."
"I guess you're trust issues sometimes get the better of you, just because I gave you a compliment doesn't mean I'm trying to get in you're pants."
"Well I hope not. We've been friends for the last five years and I didn't take you for someone with such ill intentions."

As Aster and Lily we're talking the doors swung open and Alexio entered the hall. He was still sweating from his martial arts display, sweat rolling down his forehead and his hazel brown hair messed up from jumping and sweating.
Alexio's family came from Brazil at the beginning of last year. He started of as a quiet guy who only spoke when spoken to, but as he started to hang out with Aster and Lily, he started to be more confident and expressive. He became the poster boy of their class and everyone wanted to become his friend. Some people even invited him to sleepovers, hoping to get some dirt on Lily and Aster, but he wouldn't budge. The one other thing he became popular for was his abilities in capoeira, a type of martial arts from his home. He was the only one who knew it in school and he didn't want to teach anyone since he wanted to stay unique.

"Well, if it isn't mister Kung Fu himself." said Aster in a smug tone.
"For the last time, it's not Kung Fu, it's Capoeira idiot. How many times am I going to have to correct you on that? It's not hard to remember."
"Yeah, but you're reaction is priceless." said Aster chuckling

While Lily and Alexio were talking about their performances, Aster was waiting for Carmen to pop her head out of the entrance to the auditorium.

Carmen is the so called mom of their group. She keeps everyone together even through tough times. She was there when Lilies heart got broken for the first time. She taught them all how to dance, and express themselves better. She was the first to say "Happy birthday". She was a mother and a sister Aster, Alexio and Lily needed at school.

"I hope I didn't miss out on anything!" said Carmen turning the corner into the main hall.
"Carmen!" yelled Lily from across the hall.
"Calm down, not everybody needs to know we are here." said Aster trying to calm down Lily
"No need to worry Aster, I'm happy to see you all too." Carmen told Aster
"Jeez it's not as if we just saw her like ten minutes ago." Alexio said in a calm manner
"But it's Carmen, what's there not to be excited about."
"Lily is just a small kid in and out, she misses her big sis so Carmen is there to fill in that role." said Aster teasingly
"Quit teasing and enjoy the fact that you have three amazing friends that would do anything for you, we even support that little scheme of yours, heck we even help you. We were even given the amazing luxury of knowing that you are an abyssal, which we have kept a secret for a very long time." Lily said in happy yet weirdly disturbing tone.
"Damn that was cold, and no need to bring 'that' fact so openly. Someone could've been listening." Aster exclaimed

All of a sudden, Aster saw a string directly attached to him. They were being watched. Someone was listening in on their conversation.

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