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The showcase was a week ago and Aster still couldn't shake off the feeling of being constantly watched. Knowing that someone was definitely listening in on their conversation, he was on his toes the whole week. He thought he could do this alone until the principal of Solar High asked everyone to come to the auditorium for an urgent announcement.

Everyone sat in silence expecting some kind of surprise that the principal was about to show them, but instead detectives stepped on stage. Detective is a name that shiners and dimmers use, abyssals use a different word: exterminators.
"Hello everyone, my name is detective Lock and I was sent to this school to investigate the theft of last weeks talent showcase. Some guests were disturbed when they found their jewelry, watches and wallets missing. Now it would be easy for me to deduce the culprit, however, it came to my attention that someone has been spreading a rumor that there is an abyssal who has been doing that for quite some time. The confusing part is that, when students join Solar High, they are tested and background checks are made to ensure no abyssal sets foot on school grounds. All of that leads me to believe that there are two options. The first is that there is no abyssal and that the school has been accidentally letting in a thief during the showcase. The second option is that there is an abyssal who has been going to this school, but that they are capable of hiding their sixth sense even during the entrance test. That would lead me to believe that the abyssal is not acting alone, since there could be someone in this school crazy enough to fall for their tricks. This abyssal would then be an expert thief, a danger for this school and a reason to shut the school down. This so called pest thrives in chaos it makes for the rest of the student body, they derive pleasure from this scandal and are currently riding the high it's making for them. So now is the perfect time to catch them lacking."
The auditorium went dead silent, everyone is looking around, thinking that the suspect is among them. Aster is keeping a still face, but inside he is panicking, he remembers the feeling of being watched a week ago and he knows that that person told the principle who then contacted the exterminators. Aster's mind is running hundred miles an hour. Maybe he should take a week off? That would make him suspicious. He knew that the only way to survive this is to keep his act and pose as a dimmer. He should avoid all attention and keep a low profile.
"Now that I have everyone's attention." said detective Lock "I have a solution that your principal green lit. I will have my team install cameras and microphones all around school grounds, there will of course be exceptions like the changing room and the bathrooms. All conversations are going to be recorded and used as clues and evidence to hunt down and capture this pest. Those who will be found trying to help it escape or hide will be kicked out of Solar High and finally, if anyone has any information about the pest, tell me right away. Those upholding information will also be kicked out of Solar High as well. Thank you for your time." detective Lock stepped down from the stage and left the room

People started to leave the auditorium and Aster met up with his friends at the entrance.
"What should we do?" asked Lily
"There is only one thing we can do." said Aster calmly
"And that is? Come on man don't leave us hanging." said Alexio urgently
"We should not be seen talking to each other at school, you guys can say that we had a falling out and that you don't want to talk to me anymore. Once school is over we can go and meet up at our usual place. No one will know where we are except our parents, and even if someone asks them, they know what to say. That is the only way to stay safe."
"Okay, but what if something urgent happens? We can't exclude you." said Carmen
"Me and Alexio can talk in private in the locker room, while Carmen, Lily and I can talk you know where."
"We are not going to force you to dress up just so you can talk to us. Remember last time, you cried for the rest of the day." Lily said worried
"Don't worry about that, I'm grown now. I can handle it. That was two years ago."
"Am I the only one who doesn't know what you are talking about." asked Alexio
"It was just something that me, Carmen and Lily did a two years ago so we could meet up while we had classes. I had a break down and that was all. No need to look into it much." said Aster
"Fine, but don't start crying when you actually have to do it." Lily said
"Deal!" said Aster with a slight chuckle

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