A New Friend

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The following day Alexio, Carmen and Lily started talking to each other, but to keep the illusion they excluded Aster. Their classmates started to notice and were growing confused. They remember that ever since they started hanging out they became inseparable, but these were the lengths they had to go to for Asters safety.

"So what's up with you and your gang?" asked Leo Flamsteed
"Well let's just say we had a disagreement and nether one of us wants to give in."
"How come? You guys were like birds of a feather."
"I guess this bird decided to wake up and not follow the others mindlessly." said Aster

Leo Flamsteed, that name made everyone at school turn heads. Not because he was some sort of bully, but because he was the school's sweet heart. People or wanted to be him or be with him and the worst part he knew that. He would talk about how he has a new girlfriend every other week just to leave them for someone else. The truth was a little different, Leo wasn't allowed to have anyone as his partner. He was his family's crown jewel. His father is some kind of politician and his mother is the mayor of their town. He was destined for greatness ever since he was born. He had the looks of a Hollywood star with the kindness and goodness of a sweet grandmother. He cared for all, there wasn't a single person he hated or that hated him. Alexio might have been the poster boy of their class but Leo was the schools golden boy. He never tried to be liked by everyone, he was just a people magnet.
Aster knew Leo for a little over two years, but they were never close enough to be called friends. They knew of each other and they would talk from time to time. Aster never cared for Leo the same way everyone else did, but Leo was okay with that. Since Aster and Leo live in the same part of town, they would, from time to time, walk together to or from school. They would talk about their day or things they have to do when they got back home, however this time Aster had more time on his hands since he wasn't with his friends. So he decided to hang out with Leo and see where that takes him.

As the time went by, their last class ended and the students started to head home. This time Aster didn't even say goodbye to his friends like he usually did. He just exited the school and went home. Following closely behind was Leo, he was never this excited to go home even when it was the last day of school.

"Now that you and your ex-friends don't hang out after school, how about we go out?"
"Like where, wherever you go you turn heads. You stick out like a sore thumb. They would be confused if you would be hanging out with a dimmer like me." asked Aster
"Who said we need to go somewhere outside, you can come over to my place." said Leo
"And what exactly would we be doing at your mansion?"
"No clue. We could just hang out. No need to have a set goal for visiting someone." Leo said chuckling
"Well, I guess I have nothing better to do anyways. I'll just have to hop quickly home to leave my bag and I'll meet you at your place."
"Sure. You do know the address right?"
"Everyone knows your address, it's a little creepy how you give it out to anyone who asks."
"I give it to people I trust, not to anyone but friends."
"So we are friends now. Cool."
"Well of course we are. This is the longest conversation I had with you in like forever."
"Then, I guess I'll meet you at your place."
"Deal." said Leo

They went their separate ways while waving to each other.

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