Rich and wealthy

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Aster was heading to Leo's address when he realized that in his seventeen years on this earth he has never set foot in this neighborhood. The light posts were in gilded gold, and the houses looked like they were made out of marble. It was like nothing he could have ever dreamt of. On the other hand the people that were passing by him seemed uncomfortable. While Aster was walking to Leo's house he would notice strangers looking at him, like they have never seen anyone who wasn't a shinner before.

Aster finally found his way to Leo's estate. Aster heard rumors at school about Leo's place. That it wasn't just a house or a mansion, but a whole area of land. At first Aster didn't believe these rumors, he wanted to see it for himself, but now that he is standing in front of a giant gate and the house nowhere to be seen, he knew the rumors were true.

Aster wanted to ring the bell, but he was beaten to it by a tall, older gentleman who was on the other side of the gate.
"Are you the young master Leo's friend that he told me to wait for?"
"I guess I am sir." said Aster
"Then follow me young man."
The butler opened the gate and let Aster in. They then entered a limousine. The butler driving, while Aster was put in the back. He never had this type of treatment , he felt like a king or a president coming home from a long days work.
"So this is luxury huh?" Aster thought to himself
"There are a few rules you will have to follow while on the Flamsteed estate," said the butler, breaking Aster's train of thought "number one, you and master Leo are to stay away from the studies of mister and madam Flamsteed. Number two, you can stay for as long as you'd like, as long as you do not make any noise during the night. That rule was imposed because madam Flamsteed is a busy woman and needs her peace and quiet, but so does mister Flamsteed. Finally, rule number three, mister and madam Flamsteed will be expecting guests later this evening. You and the young master are to stay or in young masters room or somewhere else on the estate. Are these rules clear?" asked the butler
"Clear as day sir." said Aster

After a ten to twenty minutes, they finally arrived at the main mansion. On his way there Aster could've counted at least three other big houses that were surprisingly smaller that the main house.

At the entrance to the house Aster could see Leo waiting for him. He looked somewhat nervous, fidgeting around and walking in circles. At the corner of his eye Aster saw a string attached to the limousine, there was someone looking at him. Before leaving the car, Aster also saw someone else leaving the mansion. She was smaller then Leo and much more energetic than him, she seem to be way happier than anyone Aster saw.
"I forgot to mention, the young masters sister came to visit from Switzerland. She is quite childish for her age. I remember when master Leo was seven he already knew how to write in cursive and read books with complex subjects. He could explain such difficult things with such eloquence, it seemed that he came up with them. Yet his sister Cristine has been nothing more than a hassle and a hindrance since the day she was born. I beg you dear sir, do not think of Cristine as the Flamsteed standard." said the butler
"No need to worry sir, it's fine. Goodbye now."

As Aster was about to open the car door, he saw Leo opening it for him.
"I was just thinking you were taking your sweet time getting out of the car, so I guess I wanted to hurry you up a little."
"Since when did you become so to the point?"
"You have a problem with that."
"Not at all Leo. Not at all."

Aster left the car and, with Leo, made his up the stairs to the doors of the mansion. There were some maids waiting for them that took Asters jacket and they opened the door for them.
The entrance was massive, a giant crystal chandelier, pillars of marble, pictures with gold and diamonds incrusted in them. This was a level of rich Aster couldn't even imagine. All his life he thought he was well off, but Leo's house just blew all that he thought out of the water.

"I'm guessing you are a little shocked right?" asked Leo
"That would be an understatement, bro this is a level of rich I didn't even know existed."
"Well I do consider myself a little lucky. But don't worry I'm not like one of those super rich, super spoiled kids that think of everyone as less than if they are not as wealthy as them."
"I know that. Your a kind person, that's why I even considered coming here."
"And what kind of person would I be if I didn't invite you to my room, my mom and dad are about to have friends over and I really don't need those nosy people anywhere near your business."
"Wait, hold on. What about your sister, shouldn't she also come with?"
"No need, she was just leaving. My parents don't want us to be near each other for too long, they say I might get restless like her. The most I've talked to her was when she was five and I was fifteen, she just came from kindergarten and needed help with some kind of homework. I helped, but when my parents saw me helping her, the next day they sent her of to Switzerland. That was the last time I saw her until today."
"Isn't that kind of unfair to her? She got shipped of to another country while you stayed here and got everything you wanted."
"It absolutely is, I tried to talk them out of it, but they won't budge. They said that her 'stupid' will influence me."

Aster and Leo continued talking for a while until the head butler asked them to head to Leo's room, since his parents are having guests.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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