Ep. 7 - Öga for Öga

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I woke up in the back of a van. One pair of eyes was staring me down. The van shifted and the back door opened. I tried to jump out, but I receive a punch to my face and my stomach. I fell to the floor of the van and curled into a ball. I was flipped over, and a foot was placed on my chest. I looked up to see the two Swedes staring me down.

I tried to get up, but the foot pressed down and I was stuck. One of the Swedes pulled a canister out and dropped it in my face. He removed his foot, and I sat up. He kicked the canister over to me and I clutched it.

I slowly opened the canister without breaking eye contact with the Swedes. I pulled the letter out and began reading it.

"Oh. Hell no!"

One of the Swedes pulled out a pistol and pointed it at my head. He then dropped it, so it was hanging in the air by the trigger. I snatched the pistol from him and stood up. I shoved it into my waistband and covered it up with my blazer. I steadied myself, with both Swedes staring at me.

"I'll do the damn job! Just show me..." I shouted before they opened the back of the doors of the van.

I stared at the large Commission headquarters. I was pushed out of the van and fell to the asphalt ground. The van doors shut and I jumped up. I straightened my blazer and ran my fingers through my hair. I took a deep breath in and walked up the stairs. I knew everyone would be looking at me, probably because of my reputation.

"Is that?"

"No way..."

"She's a kid..."

"But how?"

"Do you remember her?"

"Holy shit...'

"Call security,"

"What the hell..."

"Get out!"

I didn't listen to any of the comments. I turned down the hallway and marched down it. The rooms went silent and people peeled their heads outside of the doorways. I turned another corner and three armed men stepped in front of me.

"Get out! Or you're coming with us,"

I tried to walk through them, but one of them grabbed my arm. He had a rough grip, and it slightly hurt, but I was doing the job so I ignored it.

"You're coming with us!"

I was dragged to a small room with hardly a light. One of the armed me cuffed me to the chair and two of them stood in the corner of the room. The other one pulled a wooden chair in front of me. He interlaced his fingers and put his elbows on his knees.

"We've alerted A.J. Carmichael. He will be coming to have a nice chat with you Number Zero," he smirked, giving me the ugliest smile I have ever seen.

"You know my name?" I asked leaning forward.

"Anybody of anybody knows who you are. Number Zero, assassin with Number Five and you two as a team, The Deadly Duo," he answered.

"Okay. Then you know how dangerous I am. So you're going to let me go or you'll be dead before you make it out of this room!"

"You're alone. Five's not here to protect you," the man calmly responded, pulling a file out.

He held it up to where I couldn't see anything but the outside. I could see his eyes scan the file. He had several expressions covering his face, and o held my breath.

"You've got an interesting history Zero. Born on October 1st, with power, however as a childhood..." he began before shut him up.

"Shut up! I know my childhood!" I shouted, jerking at the handcuffs.

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