Ep 9 - 743

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Five's POV

The paradox psychosis was getting worse by the minute. We climbed up the stairs of the metal bridge, and I gripped Z's hand tightly. She returned the favor and gripped mine tightly. People were giving us weird looks, and we yelled at people.

"What are you looking at?" I asked a man who was cringing at us.

"See something funny?" Z taunted.

"They're called uniforms asshole!" I yelled.

I was itching my neck like crazy, and our palms were getting sweaty.

"Mind your business!" I yelled at a passerby.

Or I'll give you something to stare at!" Z yelled.

"You wish you could pull off these shorts!" I taunted.

Z began laughing hysterically, and I looked up to see our older selves looking back at us in disgust. I flipped them off, and they both scoffed. Luther stopped and waited for us to catch up.

"Hey, guys... How you guys doing?" Luther asked, suspiciously.

"They're gonna kill us, aren't they?" Z asked, letting go of my hand.

"What?" Luther asked, chuckling. "What them? He's...they're gonna kill you? That's ridiculous!"

"You're a terrible liar. I can tell even without my power Luther. You a worse liar than you a spotter," Z laughed, before itching her neck.

"Okay! Whose fault is that?" What good is having a spotter if you guys never ever listen to him?"

"SO you admit you're conspiring against us?" I asked, looking at Luther in the eyes.

Z did the same thing, and we started to walk down the stairs. Luther shifted his weight as he went down the stairs.

"Do...do you guys admit that you're suffering from paradox psychosis?" Luther asked.

"All we're suffering from is bracing clarity about you and your murderous intentions," I shot back, itching my back.

"Look, it's not like they're gonna 'kill you' kill you. They just want to kill a version of you guys,"

"But we are these versions of us!" Z shot back as we landed on the ground.

"Hey, I don't love it either, but they actually got a pretty good plan," Luther sighed.

We began walking and Z was itching her arms, and I was itching my chest. I tried my best not to itch, but it was useless.

"What? The one where you guys off us and then jump to 2019 to save the world?" Z asked, stroking her hair.

I pulled my hand threw my hair while wiping off the sweat on my face. I pulled my hand away and wiped the sweat on my blazer.

"Yeah... wait how did you know that?" Luther asked, stepping away from us.

"Because we're them and that's exactly what we would do if we were trying to kill us. Promise me, we've tried!" Z shouted.

"OKAY! All know is we've got one Five and Z too many. AND you're the ones acting like maniacs!"

"Maniacs?" Z and I repeated together.

"Luther you have seen nothing. If you want maniacs, we'll show you maniacs!" I yelled, stepping close to Luther's chest.

Z walked ahead of us, and I strolled forward after her. Our older selves were strolling together, talking. Probably about how to kill us in the most pleasant way or most painful. Z was right, they were going to kill us.

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