The Acadamy

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For me everyday is awesome. I'm brilliant. The smartest of them all. Today is my favourite day. I have Math, Weaponology, The history of Evil, science, training, lunch and History of black magic. Now more about the Acadamy.

The academy is for people with powers that don't want to be heroes. They want to be villians. They go to the school to learn how to be one. Now if anyone finds the school that is not welcome, we will be transferred to be a hero or go to jail. So, the Academy is located in New York. There is a protective barrier created by me. Only the students can see it. The school is huge with 4 floors. Inside the walls will replenish everytime it gets destroyed or something. Also created by me. They have a gym/training room on the main floor that takes up most of the floor. Then everyone has their own dorm rooms on the 2nd floor. The classrooms are on the 1st, 3rd and 4th floors. The teachers are villians taking time off, so we usually have substitute teachers. For example Science is taught by Harley Quinn when she's not with the Joker. She's really nice and she loves jokes. When the Joker comes to the academy she gets strict.

The dorms can be designed using a piece of software created by me again. No wonder why I go to this school. Anyway, the lunchroom is also located on the second floor. The girls are located at one wing of the second floor. Boy are on the other wing. You are not allowed to have an opposite gender in your room with the door closed. Some villians come to the school, yesterday we had Cheshire. Also known as Jade, not many people know that but I'm not many people.

The lockers are the students own designs. They take time to create them. They also have pets. Each student got a companion to have and take care of, I got a poisonous rattle snake. Her name is Serpent. She has black skin with Purple spots along her back. Her eyes are a deep red and she will kill without mercy.

Some rules are, no leaving the school without permission. No drugs or alcohol. Appropriate clothing on school property. No sexual intercourse. And many more, No sexual harassment is a big one.

The Pricncipal is Ms. Catwoman. Not her real name but she doesn't tell anyone her real name.

Every few years, they except a few students. Usually powerful ones. They chose me because I was the smartest kid they've ever seen. I built most of the android Amazo. They asked me to be in the school. That's when they found out that I have amazing martial art skills. I was able to defeat many of the most powerful students, teachers, principle and staff. They all fell on their backs. After that everyone was afraid and stayed away. I ended up spending every day alone and without friends. No one would talk to me. I don't think anyone will.

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