The New Start

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One Week Later

I was all packed up. It was exciting. All the members were at the outside of the school. We were waiting for the rest of the partners. Suddenly 7 students came up to us. There names were Drew, Jana, Breanna, Ivy, Ariel, Taylor, and Aidan. I knew them they were probably the least worse people in the school. The closest things I would have to friends. They were all smiling when they came up.

Ariel- Hey guys. So Klarion, you chose Ally huh? *Kissing noises*
Klarion- And who chose you? Aye crystal Witch.
Ariel- Lex Luthor and I may be able to control crystals that does not mean I'm a Witch.
Aidan- Oooo. Is the Witch Boy falling for a girl.

Klarion flicked his wrist. Aidan was thrown back. I snickered as he did so.

Black Adam- Don't do that to my protégé. And partner.
Taylor- Let's all calm down, Sheesh.
Cheshire- My partner is right. You need to calm down.

So you know most of the partners. Savages partner is Drew the shape shifter. She can shape shift into anything. She is also excellent swords woman. The next one is Queen Bee. Her partner is Jana. She controls Ice. She is also a good speaker. She can talk her way out of almost anything.

Breanna is Ra's Al Ghul's partner. She is immortal. An expert combat fighter. And she has the power of teleportation.

The Brain has no partner except Monsieur Mallah. Same with Death stroke.

Ocean Master is Ivy's partner. Ivy has the power to control water. She uses weapons made out of water. She is a quick thinker and a problem solver.

Ariel is Lex Luthor's partner. She can control crystals and gems. She likes to use diamonds because there almost unbreakable. She is also highly intelligent for most subjects. She is outgoing and likes to fight.

Cheshire has Taylor as a partner. Taylor can control gravity and can freeze time. Only some people can escape from her powers. She is also a trained assassin.

And Black Adam picked Aidan for a partner. He controls and creates electricity. He is silly and annoying. He likes to make fun of his opponents. Most people want to strangle him after. I for one want to strangle him sometimes.

That's the new partners. For some reason Professor Ivo didn't pick one and neither did Sportsmaster. It was weird. Ivo looked a little bit scared. Probably because he knows me. And he doesn't want me to tell anyone that I made most of the android, Amazo.

Anyway everyone went their separate ways with their partners. I suddenly realized that I didn't have anywhere to stay. I sighed and frowned.

Klarion- You seem down. *Chuckling* What's wrong?
Me- I just realized I have no where to stay. I guess I have to buy a house or something.
Klarion- I probably forgot to tell you, you're going to stay at my house.
Me- Umm, I don't know how I feel about that. I mean I'm not really used to living with someone that's the opposite gender.
Klarion- Well, I will need to reach you when we do things. Plus I have big house.
Me- Alright. So where is it?
Klarion- Not on this plain. It's in the Witch World.
Me- How did I not guess.

He opened a portal and he lead me through. I held my breath. I haven't been to the Witch World in quite some time. I would love to see how it's changed. We were there in a instant. We were outside of the Bleak Manor. Klarion opened the doors. The very large doors. He must be the son of the rich and powerful, man that I met. He never told me is first name but everyone knew his last name. As I was thinking Klarion slid his hand and slim fingers on my arm and dragged me inside. Not literally. He was gentle with it. I broke out of my thinking state and started to walk inside.

Everything was amazing. It was so large. As I was caught in my own world Klarion was going up the stairs. When I snapped out of it, I saw him and followed him. He led me to a room that was beautiful. The walls were a dark purple and there was a large closet and dresser. The bed was huge and had black sheets. There was a desk and outlets which was kinda weird. 

Klarion- This is your new room.
Me- Whoa.
Klarion- Does that mean you like it?

I nodded. I only had two suit cases. My arms were getting tired of carrying them. They were really heavy. I designed them. They could fit more than it looks. Anyway, I walked into the room. Klarion followed.

Klarion- So, I'll leave you alone so you can unpack. When your done meet me down stairs.
Me- Okay.

He walked out. I put my things away. I hid my Demon uniform. After, I walked down stairs and Klarion was there waiting. I was still wearing the same thing. I should have changed. But the black hoodie with my hood up and my bangs covering one eye was my style. Klarion sat me down. He looked half serious.

1 Hour later

Basically Klarion just explained some rules. I didn't want to spare the details because it was really boring. It was pretty explainitory rules.

So, the first thing he told us to do do was... Actually let me show you.

Flash back

Klarion- So, I'm going to steal the helmet of Fate.
Me- You mean like Nabu? The Docter Fate.
Klarion- You know your history. Yes, it's Docter Fate.
Me- So when are we doing this?
Klarion- Just me. It's for people with powers. I'm recruiting Abracadabra.
Me- Ugh. The guy with the fake powers. Klarion- Yah. You are going to wait outside. You may be powerful but you're no match for Docter Fate.
Me- I beat you didn't I?
Klarion- Yes but I have a weakness that's living.
Me- Fine, I'll wait outside. Promise this is the only time you will do this.
Klarion- Maybe, I can't be certain. But, you will do many things with me.
Me- Alright.

End of Flashback

So in a few days Klarion will be taking the Helmet of Fate. I hope he succeeds. It will be a huge help for the Light. Of course the heroes don't know about the light yet.

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