Chapter 1: Cloudless night

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The cold night air, filled with the chirps of the cicadas, the lightless moon shadowing this small town. Cole was walking home from the Red Flower, a local child welfare association, on their way home they came across a man sitting on an old bench with a bag beside him. The man was in a burgundy hoodie with long grey hair and an unkempt beard. Cole, feeling tired, sits down on the opposite other side of the bench. They pulled out their phone and played a game for a while.

The man started coughing terribly, it sounded like he had a cheese grater caught in his throat.

"Are you ok sir?" Cole asked. Cole had a Low yet sweet voice, like the gentle hum of the summer wind, he talked in a rather formal manner without discrimination (meaning he talked like this to everyone) but he would stop if asked to. the man wiped a reddish substance off his chin, opened up his bag pulled out something that looked like a half-full prescription bottle, and popped almost all of it into his mouth. 'He didn't. Even count them' Cole thought to themselves.

"Thanks for the concern kid but I can assure you I'm fine," the man said lobbing his head over the bench and closing his eyes. The man had a deep hoarse voice, his voice was so deep that people would make him say almost everything again, he spoke in a rather low tone making it that much harder to understand him.

The two sat in silence for a few seconds, you could only hear Cole's breathing. Cole decided to ask the man a question just to make sure he was still alive.

"My name is Cole may I ask what your name is sir?" The man opened the eye closest to Cole and closed it again.

"Walter, my name is Walter" the man known as Walter stated.

"But what was that about?" Cole asked. Walter dug into his bag pulled out a full prescription bottle and said

"This is just some painkillers my throat has killing me the past month," Walter said comically. Cole didn't believe Walter, but it would be rude of them to call him out on his bluff, so he left it there.

"Anyway what are you doing out this late at night I might ask Mr. Walter" Cole asked curiously.

"Cut the formalities just call me Wally, Anyway I was gonna head home but I got too tired so I was going to take a break and head home later, What about you kiddo" Walter answered putting the bottle bag in his bag.

" Well, Mr. Walte- I mean Wally, I was on my way home as well so I also took a break at this bench isn't that amusing!" Cole says amused at the likeness of their situation.

"Also you keep referring to me as kid and kiddo, how old do you think I am?" Cole asked earnestly.

"Well all I know is that you're much younger than me so in my book your a kid," Wally said putting on his bag "Oh yeah also I'm 39 how about you" he questioned

Well I'm 23 but I'm turning 24 next summer" Cole said

"Ha, guess I was right about you then, you are just a kid. Welp I better get going, it was nice meeting ya Cole" Wally said standing up.

"Wait, Wally could I buy you something to eat, I would love to continue this conversation," Cole said bashfully. Wally thought about about it for a few seconds.

"Yeah sure what's the harm in a free meal," Wally said extending a hand. Cole reached out and took his hand, he pulled them up from their seat and Cole proceeded to direct Wally to his favorite restaurant, the resentful pig.

To be continued...

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