Chapter 3: Secrets held in the night sky

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(Cole and Wally had a conversation during their time out and Wally and Cole went home)

at Cole's house

Cole lives in a large, two-story house with peach walls, a small balcony with pots of slightly wilting flowers and ferns, and a light grey rooftop.

Cole felt a buzz in their pocket, it was Wally, he sent Cole a message, that read:

'Hey Cole do you want to meet up again?'

Cole replied with;


"Mom I'm home" Cole exclaimed. They took off their shoes and scarf and walked into the main living room where a small woman was lying on the sofa, she had rope burns on her neck and bruising on her face, neck, and arms.

"Mom, you can't sleep down here you're going to hurt your neck even more" Cole scooped up the woman into his arms and proceeded to go up the flight of stairs and into a room that looked like the master bedroom. In the room there was no light, the windows were shut tight, and the bed had a man lying in it.

"Dad, did you and Mom have a fight again, you know better than to let her sleep on the sofa," Cole said setting the down woman beside the still man. The man had a dent in his head and slimy reddish-brownish liquid on him that left a rotten smell.

Cole walked into another room where a little girl was sitting in a corner, she looked almost identical to Cole, except for her green eyes, but she was slightly darker due to the build-up of dirt and oil from not bathing, she had a green dress that was starting to look like old, moldy, green paint. Cole sat down on the bed and stared at the girl.

"Hey Lizzy how was your day?" Cole asked. The little girl just stared back quietly crying and whimpering. Cole let out a sigh and stood back up, the girl flinched and tried to back further into the corner but it was pointless. Cole went over to her and embraced her. She started crying even louder and tried to push them away.

"let go of me, please let go. I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I DON'T WANT TO DIE LET ME GO!" Lizzy cried out. She punched and kicked she tried everything she could to get out of Cole's arms.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to see how my little sister is doing," Cole said slowly loosening their grip. Cole scooped up Lizzy, she flinched a bit but didn't fight back, and carried her into the bathroom.

"I'm gonna leave you in here for a while and I want you to wash up," Cole said setting them down on the ground. Cole locked the bathroom door from the outside and went into the last room upstairs, their older sister's room.

The room was bare, there was only a bed and a vanity but they both were only collecting dust. Cole sat on the bed and just stared at the wall. you could just barely hear the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom.

An hour had passed, you could no longer hear the water and Cole was sitting motionlessly, Cole left the bedroom, locking the door behind them. They walked in front of the bathroom door and softly knocked on the door.

"Lizzy, are you done yet?" Cole said they stood there for a couple of seconds until Lizzy replied in a somewhat shaky tone.

"y-yeah but I need new clothes, m-my clothes are worn out and smell k-kinda gross," She said behind the door. Cole went into her room and grabbed a T-shirt, a pair of under-dress shorts, and a calf-length skirt.

"I'm going downstairs, your clothes are in front of the door, when you are done getting dressed come downstairs," Cole said walking down the steps. They sat on the sofa then leaned their head back and let out a slow sigh.

Later Lizzy came down, her skin had returned to its natural shade of brown and her hair was still slightly wet.

"come here I'm gonna redo your hair," Cole said tapping the sofa to call her over. She slowly walked over to the sofa clutching the hem of her shirt.

When she sat down Cole stood up and walked behind the sofa with a brush and a couple of hair ties. They started brushing her hair and put it into two pigtails.

"You were supposed to clean up while I was gone what were you doing?" Cole said tightening their grip and pulling up her hair causing her to stand up.

"I-I got scared that there was someone else in the bathroom" Lizzy stumbled out. Cole let out an agitated sigh and let go of her hair.

Lizzy quickly sat down and hugged one of the pillows. Cole stomped off into the attic where a twin-sized mattress laid bare.

At Wally's cottage

Wally lived in a tiny house in the forest,  With dark brown walls, forest green rooftop with solar panels on top, and a small patio.

Wally walked into his house, there wasn't much room but there was a sizable bed on the other side of the room with a fridge beside it. The walls were filled with shelves, cabinets, and dressers all labeled with small tags. They were filled to the brim with miscellaneous objects and random  junk inside. In one of the cabinets there was wood carving supplies.

Wally pulled out his phone and texted Cole and waited for a response. After a few moments Cole replied. Wally walked over to one of the larger dresser and started to change out of his clothes.  He took off his sweater then his shirt and binder. He left his pants on and went to bed like normal.

To Be Continued...

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