Tom | oh im so sorry ❀

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                                   Y/NS POV:

I sighed and placed my pencil down while looking at my homework,"jeez.." I whispered softly before I felt frustration fill my body from head to toe.

Tears filled my eyes as I started to get a little to frustrated,they gave us algebra for homework even tho we are in like 6th grade.. they gave us the hard algebra not the easy.

I heard my bedroom door open,I looked over and saw Tom with candy in his hand.

When he saw me he dropped all of what he was carrying,"y/n! Are you okay?" Tom rushed over to my side and hugged me tightly.

I got up from my seat and hugged him back,"no Tom! They gave us the hard algebra for homework and it's just so frustrating!" I broke down as tears filled my eyes.

Tears rolled down my cheeks fastly,as I hugged Tom even more tightly.

"Oh I'm so sorry y/n! Just let me know if you need help,as your boyfriend I need to be there for you!" Tom pulled away from the hug and kissed my cheek.

"Your right Tom.. thank you."

I wiped my tears away,"your welcome y/n,I'll always be here for you no matter what I truly love you."

"I love you to."

ok so I might post every two days or something like that because of school😭

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ok so I might post every two days or something like that because of school😭

Words : 238

 ༻𝘒𝘈𝘜𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘡 𝘛𝘞𝘐𝘕𝘚 𝘐𝘔𝘈𝘎𝘐𝘕𝘌𝘚༺ Where stories live. Discover now