Chapter 4: Café Chronicles

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Maid pov

I was just sitting in Café Enigma, minding my own business and chatting with some friends, when the door jingled and in walked… well, something else. The guy who stepped in looked like he’d walked straight off a movie set or, more likely, out of some kind of over-the-top fantasy anime. Seriously, azure hair, golden eyes, and an aura of “I’m-too-good-for-this-world.”He looked like a pop idol who got lost on his way to an exclusive photoshoot. Everyone in the café turned to stare.

Then he opened his mouth.

“Greetings, mere mortals!” he declared, loud enough that half the people in the room choked on their drinks. “I, Rimuru Tempest, have chosen to grace your establishment with my magnificent presence!”

I exchanged a glance with my friends, who were already stifling giggles. Oh boy, this was gonna be good.

He strutted up to the counter like he owned the place, his every move dripping with overconfidence. The poor barista, bless her, kept her composure pretty well. “Welcome to Café Enigma,” she said, fighting back a laugh. “How can I assist you today?”

He leaned against the counter with this exaggerated swagger, like he was posing for a magazine cover. “Ah, yes. My dear servant of this mundane world,” he said, all dramatic-like, “I shall indulge in your finest cup of black coffee. A mere trifle to someone of my status, but I shall lower myself to enjoy it.”

I couldn’t help it. I snorted. This guy was straight-up living in his own movie. The barista was barely holding it together, and the rest of the café? Well, people were stealing glances, whispering, and trying not to laugh out loud. I could’ve sworn someone at the back had their phone out, probably filming the whole thing.

When he finally got his coffee, you would’ve thought the cup was forged by the gods themselves. He held it like it was some priceless relic, lifted it to his lips, and took a slow, deliberate sip. Then, with the most satisfied smirk you’ve ever seen, he announced, “Ah, a taste worthy of one as refined as myself.”

I had to know more. This guy was a *walking* meme, and I couldn’t let the moment pass. So I leaned over and asked, “You know, you’ve got quite the dramatic flair. Are you a cosplayer?”

He turned to me with this look that screamed, Oh, how naive, like I’d just said the most ridiculous thing in the world. His golden eyes gleamed, and he gave me this slow, smug smile. “Cosplayer, you say?” His voice dripped with mockery, like I’d insulted his very soul. “No, fair maiden. I am not merely dressing as a character. I am Rimuru Tempest, a being of unparalleled power and sophistication. The very air you breathe is privileged to hold my presence.”

I almost lost it. My friends were straight-up cackling behind me, trying to keep it quiet, but it was impossible.Was this guy for real?

I laughed, shaking my head. “Oh, that’s a good one! You’ve really got the whole chunnibyou thing down pat.”

He blinked at me, clearly not fazed. “Ah, the ignorance of mortals,” he said, waving a hand dismissively. “It is only natural that my true nature would be beyond your comprehension. But fear not, for one day you shall witness my true might. Then you will understand.”

At this point, half the café was sneaking peeks at him, some people whispering, “Is he some kind of top idol or something?” And I mean, I could see why. With those looks and the way he carried himself, it was like he expected people to just fall at his feet. But nope, we were all just watching the show.

The barista handed him a napkin, which he accepted with the same level of gravitas as if she’d just handed him a royal decree. “I thank you for your service, peasant,” he said, wiping an imaginary spot from his lips. “Your efforts have been noted.”

I leaned back in my seat, grinning. “So, uh, you’re telling me you’re some kind of demon lord or something?”

“Indeed!” he exclaimed, puffing out his chest. “Not just any demon lord. I am the Rimuru Tempest! My power transcends dimensions! The very stars bow to my will! The world itself is not worthy to hold my existence, yet here I am, deigning to walk among you.”

There was a brief silence as everyone in the café tried to process just how serious this guy was being. Then, of course, someone muttered, “Definitely an idol,” which sent the whole place into another round of giggles.

But did that stop him? No way.

He was basking in it, actually, like the attention was just fueling his already massive ego. “Yes, laugh if you must,” he said, crossing his arms and looking around like he was some kind of regal figure. “For when my true power is revealed, your laughter will turn to awe. And perhaps, if you’re fortunate, I’ll even allow you to serve in my grand domain.”

*This guy*. He was a trip. But I wasn’t going to complain. I mean, when do you get free entertainment like this?

Finally, he finished his coffee, placed the cup down with the same dramatic flair he’d done everything else with, and stood up. “I must take my leave now,” he declared to the entire café, who were now openly watching him like he was the star of some impromptu play. “But do not fear, mortals. I shall return.”

With that, he swept out of the café, leaving behind a trail of amused whispers and half-suppressed laughter. I could already see the posts going up online“Mysterious Idol Declares Himself Demon Lord in Local Café!”or something like that.

As the door jingled shut behind him, I leaned back in my chair and laughed. "Well, that just made my day."

And you know what? Even if he was completely delusional, there was something kinda… endearing about the whole thing. I mean, you’ve got to give him credit for the confidence, right?

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