Rimuru get challenged for martial chapter 10

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Rimuru’s reputation was soaring after his chess victory, but he was about to add another unexpected skill to his ever-growing list. This time, he found himself challenged to a martial arts duel by none other than the school’s top champion, a student named Ryo. Ryo had heard the rumors about Rimuru's supposed prowess in everything from teaching to chess, but he wasn’t buying into the hype.

“Hey, Sensei!” Ryo called out during lunch, his voice echoing across the cafeteria, drawing everyone's attention. “I’ve seen you play chess and prance around like some kind of superhero, but let's see how you do in something real. How about a match? You, me, martial arts. Let's see if you’re all talk.”

The challenge rippled through the students, creating a wave of excitement. The school’s martial arts champion was calling out their eccentric, chunnibyou teacher! Phones were whipped out immediately, recording and snapping pictures of Rimuru as he stood, looking completely unbothered by the public challenge.

Rimuru raised an eyebrow, his smile laced with amusement. “A challenge, huh? Well, Ryo, I usually don’t entertain such trivialities, but... I suppose I can make an exception.” He stood, tossing his scarf dramatically over his shoulder. “You wish to see my skills? Very well, I’ll oblige you. Meet me in the gym after school.”

The students erupted in cheers and chatter, their anticipation palpable. Even Hinata, who usually rolled her eyes at Rimuru’s antics, found herself intrigued. She watched him with narrowed eyes, her face turning slightly pink as she felt an odd mix of annoyance and... admiration? Why do I feel this way around him? she wondered, cheeks warming as she quickly shook her head, trying to snap out of it.


After school, the gym was packed. Word of the match had spread like wildfire. Students crowded every corner, and some were even livestreaming the event. The gym echoed with excited whispers, all eyes focused on the mat where Ryo and Rimuru stood facing each other.

Ryo, tall and muscular, stood confidently in his martial arts stance, eyeing Rimuru with a smirk. "You might be good at chess, but this isn't a game for nerds. This is where real skill is tested."

Rimuru, still wearing his signature grin, adjusted his gloves casually. "Oh, Ryo, it’s adorable how you underestimate me. You see, I’ve been through more battles than you can imagine. This will be no different."

The referee signaled the start of the match, and Ryo wasted no time. He rushed forward with a powerful kick aimed straight at Rimuru’s midsection, intending to end the fight quickly. But to everyone’s shock, Rimuru sidestepped the kick with an effortless grace that left Ryo stumbling.

The crowd gasped. Rimuru, looking unfazed, smiled lazily. "A good attempt, but you’ll have to do better than that."

Ryo, irritated, launched a series of rapid punches and kicks, his movements fast and aggressive. But Rimuru dodged each attack with ease, his body moving like water, fluid and untouchable. His counters were precise just enough to send Ryo off-balance, but not to cause harm. It was clear Rimuru was playing with him, testing him, enjoying the challenge.

The crowd, initially cheering for Ryo, began to shift their attention to Rimuru, their admiration growing with each passing second.

"Is he... dodging everything?" someone muttered from the sidelines.

"How is he so fast?" another whispered, astonished.

In the audience, Hinata stood with her arms crossed, trying to hide her surprise. Her heart raced with each elegant move Rimuru made. His skill wasn’t just for show he was really good. As much as she hated to admit it, something about his confidence and ability stirred something in her. Her face heated up as she tried to push the thought away. Why am I blushing? It’s just martial arts!

Rimuru, sensing the perfect moment, finally moved in for the finish. With a swift motion, he disarmed Ryo with a graceful sweep of his leg, sending him to the mat in a clean, controlled takedown. The gym erupted in shocked silence, followed by wild cheers.

Rimuru, standing over Ryo, extended a hand. “Well fought. But you see, I’m not just a teacher or a chess player. I’m much more than you could ever imagine.”

Ryo, breathing heavily, accepted the hand with a mixture of disbelief and newfound respect. "I... I didn’t think you had it in you. But you’re the real deal, Sensei."

As Ryo stood, Rimuru turned to face the crowd, lifting his hands in a dramatic flourish. “Let this be a lesson, students. Underestimate me at your peril!”

The gym exploded in applause and cheers. Students scrambled to upload their videos, and within minutes, the match was trending across various social media platforms. The comment sections under the videos were flooded with reactions.


YouTube Comments Section:

User1:"Yo, Rimuru just wiped the floor with Ryo. I thought this was gonna be a joke but... damn!"

User2:"He’s like Bruce Lee mixed with Sherlock Holmes or something. This guy’s unreal."

User3: "Is there anything Rimuru can’t do? Chess master, physics genius, martial arts prodigy... what's next, saving the world?"

User4:"Lmao, Ryo really thought he could take down the 'ultimate chunnibyou.' Guess not."

User5:"I’ve seen Rimuru in some cringey cosplay, but this? This was awesome Respect!"

User7: "Ultimate chunnibyou? Nah, I’m calling him 'Sensei of All Trades.' Guy’s a living legend."

User8:"This dude's got main character energy all over him. Someone give him a TV show!"

User9: "Forget martial arts, he’s got charisma! That finishing move was straight out of an anime."

User10"Can we talk about how Rimuru just casually beats the school champ like it’s nothing? I mean, is he even human?"

User11: "I thought this was gonna be cringe, but Rimuru’s actually kinda cool. Gotta respect the skills."

User12: "Rimuru confirmed as the most overpowered teacher in history. What’s he gonna do next, fly?"

User1: "Seriously, this Rimuru guy is a whole new level of chunnibyou! Did you see him in that chess competition?"

User2: "Yeah, and the way he acted during that martial arts challenge? Classic chunnibyou move!"

User3: "Hold up, he said he's the 'ultimate chunnibyou.' That's like the chunnibyou of all chunnibyous!"

User4: "Honestly, I can't even tell if he's for real or just playing up the whole chunnibyou thing. Either way, he's entertaining!"

User5: "Rimuru's becoming an internet sensation! From physics teacher to chess champ to martial arts prodigy – is there anything he can't do?"

User6: "I love how he fully embraces the chunnibyou persona. It's like he's taken it to an art form."

User7: "Someone even called him a 'true fanboy.' But hey, if you're gonna be a fan of something, might as well go all out!"

User8: "Honestly, whether he's the ultimate chunnibyou or not, Rimuru's definitely got some serious skills and charisma. Can't deny that."

User9: "I bet he's just doing it for attention. Nobody's that dramatic in real life!"

User10: "Who cares if it's real or not? He's bringing some excitement into our lives, and I'm here for it."

User11: "Rimuru's got this magical ability to blur the lines between fantasy and reality. And I'm totally here for his adventures!"

User12: "Ultimate chunnibyou, huh? Well, he's certainly carved out his own unique niche in the world."

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