Chapter 17

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"Ta-da!" Amethyst cheers as she holds up what looks like some straps and a rope.

The group of gems and humans pause what they're doing, Steven simply continues to enjoy his breakfast, and look between each other and Amethyst in confusion.

"Um- Amethyst that's a very nice... rope?" Pearl says awkwardly.

Amethyst scoffs, "It's not just a rope. I was digging in my room and found a harness and lead that should fit Steven." She untangles the rope and straps to show everyone. "Technically it's designed for really big dogs, but I figure it should fit him well enough. Hopefully it's not too tight. He's a big boy." she cackles.

"Amethyst that's so resourceful!" Pearl praises, making Amethyst blush, pleased with herself.

"This is great! Now we can take him to all his favorite places and not worry about losing him!" Peridot jumps up and helps Amethyst finish untangling everything. With Lapis and Connie's help, and Steven's cooperation, they successfully strap the harness around his chest. If it wasn't for his unusual colors, and spikes, he'd almost look like the large dog that harness was made for.

While Steven gets used to the harness the group sits down to come up with a game plan for the day. Ultimately they decide to work systematically, starting at the temple and ending at Little Homeworld. They, mostly Pearl, put together a schedule to "maximize their time and show Steven as much as possible of his home." Once they all agreed on a schedule, and who would take Steven where, they all split up. The gems warped away with Connie to let the townsfolk and Little Homeworld residents know what's going on. They've done a great job of avoiding panic so far, no need to risk anything happening now.

Greg attaches the lead to the metal ring on the back of the harness, and starts leading Steven out of the beach house and into town. He can't help but feel intensely awkward, walking his son like a dog. Sometimes all this gem stuff is too weird.


When Amethyst, Lapis, Peridot and Connie put these straps on him he was unsure and maybe a little uncomfortable, but he adjusted quickly. Plus now he and his dad are out together, walking down the beach towards a building nearby. The building has a large circular and colorful object on top of it. His ears perk up as a gentle ding plays when his dad opens the door. Following him inside his nose is practically assaulted by the aroma of many small fluffy looking circles. All a smaller copy of the big one outside, with maybe a few differences. His dad goes up to the man behind the counter. He follows and looks around as they talk, ignoring the way the other human looks at him. The area is fairly open with a couple small tables with chairs on one side and several machines on the other. He walks up to one with yellow and orange colored characters. They look like they're supposed to look like lions, but they're terrible. He huffs and returns to his dad's side, pressing his nose to the glass protecting the wonderful smelling circles. The man takes a few and places them in a bag before handing them to his dad. He looks worriedly at him as they turn to leave, then grabs a cloth and bottle and cleans his nose print off the glass.

His dad sits at one of the tables outside and takes out one of the circles. "Here ya go buddy, your favorite flavor and everything."

Holding it out, he carefully takes the snack. As soon as his teeth sink into it an incredible world of flavor explodes in his mouth. Careful of his dads hand he snatches up the donut and devours it in a few bites.

"Slow down Schtu-ball, don't make yourself sick! I got more." His dad pulls another heavenly donut out of the bag. He happily chows down.

Leaving the Big Donut they walk together along the wooden walkway. As they walk along more smells he hadn't noticed before meet his nose. Before he can begin to parse through what each one is, someone waving at them catches his attention. It's Connie!

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