Chapter 20

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"Aim and fire at the beast and Off Colors! NOW!"

The Destiny Destroyer shifts in the air, moving to aim its cannons right at the group on the beach. The Crystal Gems summon their weapons, preparing to defend the Off Colors, Lars and Greg. A roar sounds behind them, revealing Connie on Lion, sword at the ready. Lion had practically dragged her out of bed, pushed and shoved her around until she was finally ready, scooped her up, opened a portal and off they went. Landing on the beach she takes in the mess around them. Poofed gems and destabilizers are scattered everywhere, a few pink hexagonal panels float in the air. Two Topaz cower together across the beach, near the Sun Incinerator, from the group of familiar gems. Steven stands a short distance from the Crystal Gems and Off Colors with two long hexagonal panels on his forelegs. They're all staring at the giant ship. She recognizes the Destiny Destroyer as it charges its cannons. She quickly puts together what happened, leaps off Lions back, and runs up to Greg and Lars. The gems can most likely protect themselves, but the humans, even pink ones, are at a much higher risk. Her sword, made special for her by Bismuth, should be able to help deflect some of the damage. It would be better to have a shield like Steven's, but it's better than nothing. She runs up to Greg and Lars, sword out, to pull them back, but neither will budge.

"You two, we need to get somewhere safer."

"No!" Greg says stubbornly, "I'm not leaving my son!"

"And I'm not leaving the Off Colors" Lars steps closer to his friends.

Connie growls in frustration, they're being stubborn, she gets it, but with those four cannons charging it would be better to run now! Just because the Crystal Gems won't run... she growls again and stands in front of Lars, Greg and the Off Colors, sword raised.

Static fills the air as the cannons finish charging. Light begins to shine from the end of each one, growing in intensity until everyone has to close their eyes or be blinded. Their hair stands on end as static in the air grows, the ground begins to shake under the rumble of the engines engaging such powerful weapons, until finally a massive explosion of sound, like that of dynamite and a beast's roar, knocks them all off their feet.


Lars is the first to open his eyes. White dots fill his vision from the cannon blast, even tightly closing his eyes couldn't fully protect them from the sheer bright white light of the cannon blast, and there's a loud ringing in his ears. As his vision clears he gapes in awe at the sight before them. Steven is standing on a floating panel far above the beach, stance wide, head held high as he roars and growls in defiance. Covering nearly the entire beach is a wall of panels, several layers thick. The first layer is completely destroyed, pieces falling off and dissipating as they hit the water, the next two layers are in varying stages of cracked and broken, with the next couple layers shining and untouched. This is the power of a Diamond, corrupted or not. Not even the most advanced laser cannons can break a diamond's will.

As the rest of the wall dissipates Steven lowers his head, his spikes, claws and eyes all begin to glow a white-ish pink. Suddenly he lifts his head, letting loose a massive roar like howl, creating shockwaves of sound across the ocean. It cuts through the water like a knife through butter, rips apart the Destiny Destroyers cannons, cracking its hull and damaging the engines within. With the engines badly damaged the ship lists heavily to one side before toppling into the water and shutting down completely, but not before a high pitched "NO!" Can be heard.

It's amazing. Lars knew Steven was strong, but this is simply amazing. He wonders to himself if his corruption made him more capable of this level of destruction. Normally Steven would never consider doing so much damage. Especially when that could potentially risk gems, even his enemies, being cracked or shattered. So he wonders if corrupted Steven doesn't have those kinds of moral inhibitions. The thought makes him glad Steven is still on their side.

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