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Hey I'm back.....
Let's start this next chapter...

It's Friday....

They went to the market place to buy their needs...
Todoroki failed to spend time alone with midoriya...

"What should we do First today mina?" Yaomomo asked

Mina reads the list on her paper
"First, we need to buy some snacks and drinks, Second is to buy materials for our booth, and third we are going to eat lunch here"

"I'm Glad you remembered our lunch" denki says

"Of course, why would I forget," mina chuckles

"Alright, let's separate now and meet at the park at lunch" Iida says

Everyone went in a different direction, and looked for the food and materials they needed.

Uraraka went to deku..
"Hey deku, can you help me look and buy these materials?"

Deku nodded "sure, let's go there"

At the hardware..

"Hm...Why don't we ask yaoyorozu to make a rope, and decorations" uraraka asked

"Uraraka, we can't let her handle everything,........maybe we can, in case of emergency." Izuku responds

"What color do we need to paint our stage booth?" Uraraka asked again holding the blue and red bucket of paint.

"Hmm.... I remembered they wanted white and red color"

"Okay, let's buy these two" uraraka grabs the white and red bucket of paint.

They went to the counter and paid all the things they needed.

When they are done, they go to the park,

they sit there and take rest.

"Hm.. where are they?" Uraraka asked

"I think they're not done yet" midoriya responds..

"Hey, I'm going to buy drinks, and sandwich at the convenience store, wait me here.." uraraka says

"Okay, go on, I'll wait for you here" izuku says smiling before uraraka leaves her there...


Midoriya was sitting there,
There are three guys who went to her.

"Hey, are you alone beauty?" The blonde guy with piercings in his ears said.

Midoriya stands up and ignores them.

"Hey beauty we're still talking to you, don't ignore us.. "

"Please, leave me alone..." Midoriya says

"Hm..maybe her boyfriend is here..." The other guy chuckles

Midoriya noticed they're holding a bottle of alcohol...
They're drunk...

She stands up but the two guys blocked her way and the other one grabs her hand behind

"Why don't you come with us?," The guy slowly touches her waist 
"You know we're good when it comes to -" when the guy touches her butt ..

Midoriya punches the guy "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU PERVERT!!!"

The man's lip bleed and he glared....
"Haha, You're making me love you even more.." the guy chuckles

Midoriya fights back, and punches the two guys behind her, the other one grabs her, and tries to kiss her..

CHANGES (female deku X Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now