Goodbye childhood

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Goodbye childhood,
With bittersweet tears,
The passage of time,
Bringing changing years.

Once filled with innocence,
Laughter, and play,
Now facing the world,
A new role to portray.

The days of wonder,
As a carefree child,
Exploring the world,
Happy and wild.

Imaginary friends,
And secret hideaways,
Chasing rainbows,
On warm summer days.

Innocent dreams,
Floating like balloons,
Believing in magic,
Beneath the moon's tunes.

Games on the playground,
Tales that we shared,
In golden sunlight,
We danced without a care.

Imagination blossomed,
Like flowers in bloom,
Creating worlds unseen,
Banishing all gloom.

The joy that we felt,
Like butterflies in flight,
Every day an adventure,
Filled with pure delight.

Goodbye childhood,
A bittersweet farewell,
But the memories we made,
They'll forever dwell.

For in our hearts,
This truth we will hold,
The memories of childhood,
Worth more than gold.

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