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When I wake up it's about 6:00 and I hear my grandma calling my name so I climb down the tree and run all the way home.
By the time I get there it's 6:25 and everyone is sitting down at the table."Its about time. We almost started to eat dinner without you." My grandpa trying to be funny says. But no one laughs. Instead my grandma says, "Maddie do you want to say grace tonight?" I shake my head no. But I don't think anyone's to surprised. "I will. I learned a new song to sing before dinner from Sunday school." Sarah almost screams. "That would be wonderful, Sarah." Gramma answers. So Sarah sings/screamers a song, but I tune out so I don't even know what she says. After a long and silent dinner I run to upstairs to my room. I hurry and get in the shower so I don't have to talk to my aunt or uncle.
By the time I'm done it's only me and my grandparents in the house. I know I'm not supposed to spy on people especially my grandparents after all they've done for me, but I do it anyway. I sit at the top of the stairs and listen. "I think she should go. And I know you disagree." My grandma spits out.
Grandpa argues back,"She's fine here she has friends here, she goes to school here, we live here, her aunt and uncle and co-"
"Her dad and sister live there. And besides she needs a little adventure I her life, so you can stop being selfish and let her go." Grandma interrupts. By now I know they are talking about me. But why would they talk about me going to California? Why would they just send me away? Don't they love me? Don't they care what I want to do? I'm so confused about the California thing to realize how loud my steps can be. That's when I hear it the third to last step squeaks. My grandparents come running over to me. How long have you been standing there?" My grandma asks.
"I um just walked down the um steps." I try to say normally.
"Ok. Well do you want to watch a movie? Whatever movie you want. You can pick." Said my grandma nervously.
We all fall asleep watching "Divergent"(my favorite book).
I wake up from the smell of bacon and eggs in the kitchen. I walk in and see my grandma making breakfast. But where's grandpa? He is always here for breakfast. "Where is grandpa?" I ask.
"He got up early and is feeding the horses." She answers while setting down my plate of food for me.
While I eat I wonder if grandma misses my mom a lot, if she thinks she is in a better place, or both like me. I'm so in thought I don't here grandma say something. "Maddie." She says waving her hands in front of me, "Are you going to answer me?"
"Yah sorry um what did you ask again?" I stutter.
"How um how do you feel about um about going to California?" She nervously says.
"I would love to go there for vacation." I hope that's what she meant.
She says so fast I almost can't understand her,"No, I meant if you go there for...for um ever?"

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