𝟬𝟮. 𝗙𝗹𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 {𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗮 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲}

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Chloe stood sipping her coffee. She was tired. Chloe knew that she had been out with Jackson the night before. She felt as if they were getting to know each other. Chloe knew that she didn't want to rush things. She knew that he was nice and they had been trying to get to know each other and it hadn't been easy but she knew that there was something about him and she couldn't explain it

She had been hurt in the past and she knew it was the last thing that she wants or needed. She knew what Alex had done to her in the part of her was still recovering . She knew how she had acted as if she was fine but she knew that she had forgiven alex for peace sake but she was still so hurt over it all

Chloe stood in the resident lounge as grace walked in and looked to her and smiled "hey how are you? How was your date with lover boy" grace asked as Chloe looked to her and rolled her eyes

"It was not a date. We just grabbed a coffee" Chloe said

"For the third time this week and it's only turned at. Chlo, I know what you have been through hell you know how well I know you. I love you and I know that it's not been easy but the last thing I want is for you to end up hurt. Your my best friend" grace said as Chloe smiled

"I know and I love you but there really isn't anything going on with me and Jackson we are friends and yeah we are spending a lot of time together but I don't know if I am ready"

"You mean that your scared to open up your heart. I love you Chloe I do but not everyone is Alex Karev hell he isn't the same Alex he wants was" grace said as Chloe sighed

"I don't know. My head is a mess. I just don't Know what to think" Chloe said as grace sat next to her and smiled

"I can't blame Avery for looking you. You are beautiful and smart. Sexy as hell. I mean look at you. He'd be Lucky to be with you and I know it's but east but I will always be on your side" grace said as Chloe looked to her and smiled


Chloe sighed to herself as she got to the OR board. She stood sipping her coffee as She stood in front of the OR board and sighed. She was expecting more bad news "what's going on now?" Chloe as Cristina who looked to her and sighed

"some computer service for scheduling surgeries from now on" she said as Chloe looked to her and sighed.

Chloe didn't know what she was expecting but she knew that there had been a lot of change in a short number of time

"they're trying to get rid of us, I am telling you" Chloe said as she walked off out of and into the locker room. She rolled her eyes as she saw Reed and Alex. Chloe looked to Alex and rolled her eyes. She hated to see him around her and flirting knowing what he had done. She hated that she hated him so much but she knew that she couldn't help herself

"don't worry being ditched by cancer wife doesn't change anything you'd still a douche" Reed said as Alex as Chloe shot a glare

"and your a bitch who got her only friend fired. How is April?. He's a jerk yeah but you. Your nothing" Chloe said as Reed said nothing as she walked out of the room

"I thought that you hated me " Alex said as Chloe nodded

"I do  but she's a cow and she's been here two minutes. Besides your one of us. No word from izzie?" Chloe asked as Alex sighed

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