𝟰. 𝗚𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝗹𝗼𝘄 {𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗵𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆}

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Chloe woke up in bed and groaned. She was hung over since the party and she hated it. All that she could think over was The kiss that she had with Jackson. She knew how she liked him a lot but she was scared. She was scared to open her heart after she had been hurt in the past

Chloe looked to see grace as she walked into the room "hey. You look how I feel" grace said as Chloe sighed

"You ended up with mark Sloan. Do you want to tell me what happened with the two of you. How would your mother react" Chloe asked as grace looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Please do not bring my mother into this. Things are messy to start with" grace said as Chloe smiled

"Do you want to tell me what is going on with pretty boy and you. I saw you looking cosy at the party. You know that your mg best friend and I love you and how I just want you to be happy" grace asked as Chloe looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I know"

"So what's going on?"

"No...nothing is going on with me and Jackson. So I have no idea what your talking over" she said as grace looked to her and smirked

"What's ever you say. All I am saying is that you have a connection. It's only going to be so long before you give in. I know what Alex did to you but Jackson isn't hun. Alex isn't the same Alex after all. Not everyone is going to hurt you" grace said as Chloe looked to her and rolled her eyes


Chloe sighed to herself as she walked down the hallway of the hospital. Her head was a mess and she couldn't stop thinking over the drunken kiss that she had with Jackson, she was thinking over what grace said and how she had to put herself out there

she knew that it shouldn't of happened but it did and now Chloe felt as if everything between them had changed and she didn't like it. She didn't know how she felt but she was confused over it

"Chloe....dr shepherd " Jackson called from behind her as he followed her down the hall. Chloe sighed to herself as she placed her phone on her hand onto her pocket and turned to face him and sighed

"what do you want?" She asked as he looked to her

"I want to talk, about the kiss" he said as she looked to him

"there was no kiss" Chloe said as he looked to her. He looked to her and frowned as she went to walk off as he went to grab her arm as he pulled her aside

"I think you and I know that it was more than a drunken Kiss Chloe, I could tell by the way that you were kissing me back. We have started something before the kiss dint push me away" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"I am not that girl, all the other residents are cooing over their love life's and I am not that girl especially for you pretty boy" Chloe said as Jackson looked to her and smirked

"you can call me pretty boy all you want, but your just a smart and beautiful as I am, we are both judged on our looks besides you will always be one of the the shepherds" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"One of the shepherds? really" she asked as he nodded

"I'm not saying no, just maybe not yet" she said as she walked off as he looked to her and smirked. She knew that she needed time

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