She's Ours

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Today is Friday, thank goodness. It's been a very long and eventful week. All I have to worry about today is my psychiatrist/therapy session at noon, then after I finish my shift, I get to go home to my puppy and watch movies.

Yesterday I wasn't assigned to portables or procedures, so all I had to do was outpatients and emergency patients. So it was somewhat laid back. Today is the same, thank goodness. I have therapy at noon, so I'm gone for a whole hour. We usually have two techs on outpatients/emergency, so I'll be able to take the time off.

I had four patients this morning, two outpatients and two emergent patients. They were all normal, nothing interesting to report. So the morning swept by. I'm excited for therapy. I have so so much to talk about after this very odd week.

"Chloe I'll be back around 1. Don't miss me too much!"

"Alright bitch see ya," she said with her mouth on her sandwich, ready to take a bite. I laughed a little.

Grabbing my bag, I made my way out of the ultrasound department. Checking my watch and seeing that it's 11:55, I will the elevator to come faster.

I tap my foot on the ground and cross my arms over my chest. My anxiety starts creeping up. I get very bad anxiety about being late to anything. Especially appointments. Being an ultrasound tech, it's annoying when people are late and we still have to squeeze them in. So I hold myself to the same standard.

Once I'm finally out of the building I walk quickly down the road. Taking the appropriate turns, it ends up being about a 10 minute walk. With my bad ankle, I can't run, nor would I ever want to. Running is gross.

I show up at 12:20 breathing heavily bent over slightly with my hands on my knees.

I quickly pull myself together and walk into the building. Once I'm called back, I'm stunned to see who is sitting in the room.

"Um, what?" is all I can get out. I stare at him wide eyed, mouth slightly open.

"Hi Calla, please take a seat on the couch and make yourself comfortable." He gestures to the couch with his hand.

There's a dark gray full size couch with light pink fluffy pillows and an emerald green fuzzy blanket. My two favorite colors. I slowly make my way over to the couch and take a seat. I look around, still very confused as to what's happening.

"What happened to my other provider? She's still working here I think. Why did I get switched?" I ask, confused out of my mind. I really liked my old therapist. It's also very difficult to get a new one, having to relive all of the bad shit that happened is hard to go through. I hate that I'll have to do it again. Maybe it's in her notes so all he has to do is read them. That would save a lot of time and a lot of crying on my part.

"She is still working here, but she's decreased her hours. So, I've taken on her patients that have the time slots she won't be in for." I groaned quietly.

Oh. That's unfortunate. How am I supposed to talk to him about what happened this week when he is part of what happened this week? Mental facepalm.

"Is there a problem Ms. Patropoulos?" He questioned. Why does he look smug?

"I'm just n-not v-very comfortable talking t-to men ab-bout this kind of s-stuff," I shove my hands underneath my legs, trying to get some sense of comfort.

"Well we will ease into things Calla. Everything will be alright. I'm here to help you in any way I possibly can. I want to make sure you are the best self you can be and you are happy and healthy. That's what I do and promise I will do for you."

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