She's Fragile

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Collins POV

Walking up to Calla and all of my brothers around me is the best feeling. We've been waiting for this for so long. I'm on the end, but hopefully Calla will let me be right next to her soon.

I lay there with my eyes shut for another 10 minutes before I decided to get up. I go through my daily morning routine then head to Calla's closet. Pulling out a yellow maxi dress, I hang it up on the full length mirror. We don't have any plans today, so it's perfect for lounging around. I really want to get to know her more. She's already perfect, but I need to know her on a deeper level.

We didn't supply much makeup for her, only the basics. We want her to look natural. She has mascara, an eyebrow pencil, light coverage foundation, and blush.

Walking to the other side of the bed, I shake Theo awake. He's always the one who cooks breakfast, especially now that we have our girl here. "Go get ready then make some breakfast," I say quietly. He gives out a groan but slowly gets up.

I head downstairs and sit on the couch for a couple minutes. Some of my colleagues have texted me about patients who've delivered their babies yesterday. Some of which were my patients. A smile made its way onto my face. It's always exciting when the baby is finally here. Especially when the mother had a rough pregnancy. They sent me some pictures of the mother's with their babies. My heart warmed. I can't wait until we have that. Calla's belly growing big with our baby is a dream. I would be her provider and be with her every step of the way.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize Theo made his way down until I heard the sizzling of bacon. He's an amazing chef. Calla is going to love his food.

About a half hour later Theo told me to go upstairs to get everyone up as breakfast would be ready soon. I jumped up, excited to wake Calla up.

Making my way to the bedroom, I see the three snuggled up in the middle of the bed. A huge smile makes its way onto my face. We've been waiting for this for so long. It's almost hard to believe that she is here.

I shake the boys awake first. Payton swats his hand at me. "Payton. Up. Now," I demand.

He groans and opens his eyes. I left the lights off so Calla wouldn't be woken with the harsh light. He turns his head towards our love and kisses her cheek.

"Calla, my love, it's time to wake up," he says softly in her ear.

She mumbles something incoherent. I chuckle. "Come on baby. Breakfast is waiting downstairs. Theo made a little bit of everything. I know it will be delicious," I say, trying to persuade her to get up.

She slowly opens her eyes and pouts, "I wanna sleep."

"It's 10 o'clock. I let you sleep in a little. It's Sunday so we can have a lazy day. But you've got to get up.' I gently lift the covers off of all three of them. In response, I get groans from all three. Chuckling, I pull the covers off all the way. 'Alright lazy butts, time to get up."

Leo is the first to sit up. He rubs his eyes then looks down at Calla. A small smile makes its way onto his face. "Time to get up, beautiful."

She slowly sits up, mimicking Leo by rubbing her eyes, though she adds a yawn to it. "Mkay, I'm up," she mumbles. She looks like she's about to lay back down.

"Uh uh, Calla. You can't go back to sleep. It's time to get up. I've already picked out your dress. It's hanging in your closet. Get ready and then come meet us downstairs."

I watch as all three of them get up, making sure they don't get back in bed. Once I see them moving, I nod my head, satisfied.

Heading back downstairs, I help Theo dish out all of the food. "Wow, you've really outdone yourself this time bro."

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