What Did You Do?

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After attempting to call Theo about ten times, I give up. Looking at my watch, I still have about five hours left of my shift. I let out a deep breath and continued on with my day.

There was a constant nagging in my mind that something was wrong.

I put in a couple ultrasound orders, expecting to see Calla come up and perform them. When Chloe came up with her machine, I was confused.

"Hey, Chloe. Where is Calla?" I inquire.

She looks up from her papers, surprise written on her face. Turning to me, "Oh, Hi Dr. Galanis. She went home sick after her appointment at lunch. She didn't come back to clock out, she just texted me that she had to go home."

"Ok, thank you." I let her get back to work while my mind is buzzing. There is no way she went home sick. She was fine when I passed her in the hall this morning.

She had her appointment with Theo at lunch. That fucker. His name is written all over this. That's why he asked for Chloe's name.

The day drags on, the only thing on my mind is Calla. I've never been so distracted at work.

Once it's time to leave, I book it out of the hospital and drive well over the speed limit which is very unlike me. The worried feeling creeps up on me again. Getting worse and worse. My heart is pounding in my chest.

Sprinting to the front door after I park, I throw it open and storm inside. "Theo!"

I hear footsteps coming from the kitchen. He looks annoyed, "what?"

"What! What! That's all you have to say?! What the fuck did you do?" I shout at him, my anger getting the best of me. "Why didn't you answer my calls?! Why did Chloe say Calla went home sick?!" I continue to throw questions at him.

"Leo, relax. I did what I had to do," he replies calmly.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Η Κάλλα είναι εδώ. Είναι ασφαλής. She is napping upstairs with Mango and Payton. Keep your voice down or you'll wake them. She's had a long day. She needs rest." (Calla is here. She is safe)

"Τι έκανες;" I said with a dangerously low voice. I'm up in his face at this point. My fists call up on their own accord. (what did you do?)

"I took her home after her appointment with me. We stopped by her apartment to get her things. She'll be living here from now on." He's talking like everything is fine.

"Did she come here willingly, or did you kidnap her?"

"The details don't matter, Leo.Το μόνο που έχει σημασία είναι ότι είναι εδώ τώρα. She has taken a liking to Payton. Like I said, they're napping together in our bedroom," he responds, sounding all too proud of himself and what he has done. (All that matters is that she is here now)

I punched him in the face, which is completely out of character for me. I turn on my heels and run up the steps. I try to lighten my footsteps as I make my way down the hall. As I open our bedroom door, my heart melts.

Payton and Calla are in the middle of the bed, with him being the big spoon. Then Mango is being spooned by Calla. She has her blankies under her head on top of the pillow and her stuffed animal tucked under her chin. She's holding onto one of it's paws. She looks peaceful. I walk closer to them, keeping my gaze on her face. Looking closer, I see tear marks down her cheeks, her eyes are slightly puffy. My fists ball up on their own account, my anger rising once more.

I quickly turn around and walk back out the door, fuming with anger. Making my way down to my individual bedroom. I decided to shower. It's dinner time and they are still sleeping.

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