Chapter 1 I save a Hobo

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If you're reading this, congrats you know how to read and you're parents somehow didn't waste they're money on you're education.

If you can actually understand what happens in this I'll actually be genuinely impressed, since I ironically barely understood anything from my own story. Which might I add isn't really for the faint of hearts.

Seriously if you have trouble with violence life shattering revelations murders bad language or
Detroit you might want to put the damn book down and go read I don't know whatever the hell blissfully normal people read.

Welp I should probably introduce myself.

My name is or was Jack, but that's been subject to so many changes I'm not so sure myself anymore. You see going back all the way to the begginning of my story where I was nothing more than a defencless infant, when my piece of garbage parents decided one day that the tiny bundle of joy they spent all good of five minutes and nine months to make was good for trash.

Then dear old papa or mama I don't really know I was a damn baby left my ass in the front of a police station at midnight in the middle of one of the biggest storms to ever hit Long Island, upstanding freanking citizens am I right? Anyway all they bothered to use to protect me was a measly half burned blankie with the words Jack stiched in it.

Anyways, this is where my crappy life began, but where my story actually begins is much later. So if you can handle it read on, if you can't not my problem.

The day began like any other day in my appartment building of the oh so wonderful city of Detroit. Or at least that's just me trying to be positive given that I lived in a dump.

My alarm blared, knocking me out of a wonderful dream where I was petting a goat that ran straight into the crotch of Denis Lewin. The biggest jerk back at my school. Troy high school to be more precise, it wasn't much, but it's the best an emancipated teen could pay for with two jobs.

So having such a dream ruined I was rightfully angry at my alarm and slapped it a bit too hard. My hand practically going throught it. I groaned knowing how much it would cost to get a new one, but it's not my fault alarm clock compagnies make those things super fragile knowing angry sleepers like me don't know they're own strenght.

Getting dressed I immediatly exited my appartment and waited at a bus stop. Music blasting in my ear drowning out the often too overwhelming world.

Although it didn't stop me from noticing the man nervously making his way towards me. He wore tattered clothes a dirty cap on his head and had a distinct limp. An old veteran maybe, there was regretfully a lot of them homeless around here.

"Excuse me" he tried to say, but I already had my wallet out and slapped a twenthy dollar bill in his hands. "There's a soup kitchen near the church down the street you can't miss it." I told him getting on the bus before he could put a word in. I know that was kinda rude, maybe he just wanted directions, but at least I gave him one that would offer him a warm bed. Winters here could get pretty brutal. I personally was never bothered by the cold. That won me more than a few bets to help pay rent.

Anyway when I arrived there snow was already ankle deep. So I hurried inside and made my way to class. Now not to brag, but I was a smart guy with an even smarter mouth. I didn't struggled all that much at school.

Okay I was hyperactive and I sometimes had has much focus as a hamster on crack, but I managed to work throught it. Sadly i've been stuck on tenth grade for a few years and you're about to find out why.

Denis, was seventeen years old two years older than me and probably three times bigger than me. Which wasn't a great feat given that I barely breached 5'5. Damn those stupid genes of mine.

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