Chapter 2 my very own little stalker

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So you'd think someone would actually listen to someone after clearly threatening to beat them to a pulp with a baseball bat.

But no, everywhere I went Grover went too. I even saw him in the parking lot of the supermarket I worked at. Or at the metal processing factory. Thankfully he got kicked out of that one, but he always found a way to come back.

Everytime he got close I blew him off, but that old guy was persistent.

He caught me off guard in front of the school. Practically begging me to hear him out. "You're parents were important and you even more you need to listen to me."

"Enola em evael" I loudly shot back making him freeze in place like a statue. "See I can spout nonsense too." I gave a fake smile and walked away.

This went on for an entire week until on one late night following a very tiring day someone knocked on my door.

"Leave me alone you already have you're overpriced rent money!" I yelled at the door.

"Pizza delivery." Was my answer instead of the usual excuse to make me pay double the legal rent.

Now I was pretty sure that was a trap, but it also could be a free pizza. Only a fool would pass such an opportunity. So I got off my couch and silently made my way towards the door.

I barely cracked it open and Grover was already racing inside shoving a warm pizza in my hands.

"Ok on one hand i'm glad you got a job, but my other hand kind of wants to slap the shit out of you" I told the pacing man. He seemed to be looking for the right words.

"Ok I know you think i'm crazy."

"Oh you most definitely are."

"And that understandable you don't have the highest opinion of you're parents, but please hear me out. You need to hear the full story."

I shrugged "sure I can allow you that before I call the cops." I replied taking a long sniff of the pizza in my hands, only to freeze as I smelled something sweet.

He did not.

I opened the box to see the greatest horror anyone could ever lay eyes on.

Pineaple on pizza.

I took a Deep breath. Having a very hard time refraining myself from not kicking the rambling man's face in.

"Okay get out."

"Wha- I brought you pizza!" He exclaimed gesturing at the abomination in my arms.

"Pineaple on pizza is like covering a baby on gasoline and then setting it on fire. Why would you set a baby on fire you sick bastard!" I shouted back, okay maybe just maybe I was exageratting, but to be fair I only had like, fifthy hours of sleep in the entire week. This was the drop that killed the Camel.

"I'll buy a dozen pizza if you hear me out!" He snapped. I rolled my eyes "dude you're broke-" he interrupted me by shoving his hand in his pocket and slapping down golden coins on my table.

I stared at it for a moment before turning to him. "Go on."

"Okay, obviously you've lost you're memories."

I scoffed, but the promise of gold kept me from speaking up.

"Because we've met before when you were younger and you don't forget things unless you can help it don't you? You absolutely hate forgetting things."

My smile dropped, he was correct. Something he must have noticed given that he started smiling widely.

"I also know you love blue, you hate touching fish because you think they're too slimy."

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