Chapter 8 What's left of Home

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I fell asleep soon after that mess. Rocked gently by the waves how could I not be. When I opened my eyes it was still day. Couldn't have been more than a few hours.

I clamped my eyes shut tight. I didn't want to think about Camp Half-Blood. That was my parent's home. That might have been the only thing I could connect to them.

I felt the water carry me with purpose. So I relaxed and tried to enjoy the ride. Suddenly I was somewhere else.

I was still in water, deep water as a matter of fact. I felt a warm strong hand hold me aloft, but when I let out a whimper I was immediately gathered in someone's arms.

My father's no doubts.

"What's wrong guppy?" He asked me in a warm and soothing voice.

"It's dark." I replied burying my face in his neck. I Heard him chuckle "yeah that's the sea for you. It's pretty, but it's also just as scary. Do you want to go back to the shore?"

I nodded and looked down as he adjusted his grip on me a bit. I looked down and realized that he wasn't swimming, he was walking atop the water. I could only stare in wonder as he carried me back.

I came back to my senses.

"I still can't see your face." I said staring up at the clouds. "At least I didn't forget your voice." I whispered as my tears left a burning trail down my face. Lost to the sea they seemed insignificant.

I stopped moving, by my own will this time. I grabbed the water with both hands like I was pulling myself up from the world's largest bathtub. I stood on the water on wobbly legs. It was very much like learning to walk again, I had to think of every single step solidifying the liquid as a foot holder. Maybe it'll come naturally to me in due time.

Would my father be proud to see me do this? Would he bring out of camera or take pictures of my first step on the ocean?

I looked around finding the shores. It felt familiar, but I also felt a deep sense of dread. Like I was helplessly watching a snake slowly ensnare me.

I felt something in the water shift.

Before I could react a sea serpent the size of a truck lept out of the water and swallowed me whole.

Well, it almost swallowed me whole. I gripped its fangs the size of daggers as it trashed trying to make me it's new lunch.

I glared at the maw of the beast and ripped out it's right fang. It managed to hurl me away, I flipped head over heels before focusing to stop my momentum.

I took a deep breath, not even aware I could do that. It was as natural as breathing on land.

I stared into the dark abyss where the monster had retreated. My visions was blurry, but the darkness was slowly ebbing away like I was adapting too it.

The abyss stared back in silence. So it was up to me to break the ice.

"Bring it."

The sea serpent erupted from the darkness with a bone shivering hiss. I stared at it approach me and wondered.

Did I want to leave these waters?

Did I want to fight back and live another day?

Or did I just want nature to take its course without looking like a coward?

I closed my eyes as the rowes of teeth snapped open, it's curved fangs flashing under the small amount of light that could pierce the sea. Like the scythe of death it cut towards me.

And I moved.

Was it a subconscious action? Was the sea protecting me without my knowledge.

All I knew was that monsters can bleed red too as I dragged the fang along the creature's serpentine body. It whipped back around jaw snapping and I moved backwards again under its belly.

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