[08] Wallpapers

328 27 119

Words: 4247

Warnings: swearing, mention of violence and past trauma, mental breakdown, etc.


"Ugh, I fucking hate work!"

Kim Namjoon slumped down heavily on the couch headfirst, the furniture squeaking under the weight of the full-grown adult who was also a six-footer and really strong and muscular. He groaned into the cushion, one arm and feet dangling out of the couch.

It had been a little more than a week since Namjoon returned home with Taehyung, and while the younger brother carried on with his modelling career, the older man joined work at a famous business group known as Wild Flower Enterprise, having a share in it since his family was one of the business partners.

One week into it and Namjoon was ready to quit. After another afternoon of throwing his work suitcase across the room and punching the cushions as he whined and complained to Hoseok about how bitchy his secretary was, he got a smack upside the head.

"Get up and quit being a loser, brat," Hoseok said with an exasperated sigh, sitting just beside the raven-haired with one leg over another, happily texting away his boyfriend. "Seokjinnie doesn't like losers."

As if he'd used the magic word, Hoseok immediately had Namjoon getting up and sitting down beside him with a tired huff, running a hand through his long silky hair.

"I'll quit my job, even if I don't quit being a loser," Namjoon declared, puffing out his chest with confidence.

"Man, how do they deal with this behavior of yours at the office?" Hoseok said with a frown and a roll of his eyes, knowing very well Namjoon liked his business way too much to quit even if he swore on it.

"Just because I whine to my only present hyung doesn't mean I act like a jerk with everyone," Namjoon said, pouting, not surprised when the other man gave him a disgusted look.

"Get those fish lips out of my face."

"You were supposed to melt!" Namjoon threw his head back dramatically as he flopped on the couch.

"Uhh, only my baby ham can do that, buddy."

"Right." Namjoon's face grew dreamy as he thought of that one beautiful person whose gorgeous plump lips could do wonders to him...

Until he was rudely awakened to reality by Hoseok, who cleared his throat loudly and kicked him in the shins. "Stop daydreaming and go finish up your work, pervert! They always give you more tasks to complete at home on half-working days!"

Namjoon nodded with a loud, frustrated groan and a grimace, forcefully pulling himelf out of the comfy couch to stand up, gathering the suitcase and files he previously threw on the ground while throwing a very childish tantrum.

"I can do work later on. Where's Jin? Is he home yet?" Of course the sweet angel was his first priority. Even for a busy man like Namjoon who loved work, and hated it for him too.

"In his room," Hoseok replied, a look of fondness in his eyes, as it always appeared when he talked of his precious brother-in-law. "He'd returned from work at Serendipity's early today, lucky you."

Hoseok smirked, going unnoticed by Namjoon who'd already started going up the stairs, almost running up them.

"Yah! Be carefu-"

Crash. Followed by a pained moan belonging to Namjoon upstairs.

"Clumsy koala," Hoseok sighed from his place, sitting cross-legged on the couch, totally done with his dongsaeng, pinching the bridge of his nose, simultaneously texting Yoongi about how much he loved him. "Are you okay up there, Namjoon-ah?!"

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