[10] Confessions To RJ

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Words: 2,810

Warnings: swearing, mention of past abuse, etc.


"Hobi hyungie! We're home!" Seokjin called happily as he walked in through the entrance door, which was held open by Namjoon, and he was carrying the bouquet of red tulips that the older had previously gifted him.

Namjoon followed after the pretty male, closing the door shut. He was feeling very proud of himself, for his unofficial lunch date with Seokjin had been the most successful.

They'd gone to a restaurant with an aquatic kind of theme, full of blue neon lights and glorious glass tanks around the corners with schools of colorful fishes gliding around the numerous shells and dazzling corals. 

Namjoon had searched up this place beforehand, and he was in love. Besides, this was the only place they didn't sell seafood at in the city, so he of course was loyal to it. Plus, Seokjin was perfectly breathless from the restaurant's unusual interiors.

You could say Namjoon was on cloud nine hearing the sweet male's happy squeals of approval the moment they'd arrived to that place. He was lost in Seokjin's big sparkling eyes and rosy round cheeks as he'd smiled widely, clapping his pretty little hands.

He was in love, Namjoon had no more doubts on that. Seokjin was the one he'd been waiting for. He'd never felt so sure about anything as that.

They'd spent an euphoric time taking their lunch there, happily chatting away and admiring the different species of fishes and each other. 

Namjoon was full of facts on every class of fishes, and had Seokjin's beautiful fawn eyes stuck on him with his lively explanations, impressing him with his intelligence once again.

In turn, Namjoon had listened to the angelic beauty as well, cherishing every second of hearing Seokjin's lovely voice chatter and giggle in turn, at times moaning at the delicious food they'd eaten there. Namjoon could hear him talk all day long, and still crave for more.

He felt blessed. Seokjin was a blessing. A precious jewel.

He wondered how he was even sane after knowing him and living under the same roof as him. Maybe so that he could suffer happily from Seokjin's ethereality, his sweet eyes and smile, and his gracefulness, along with his cute little sassy side.

Seokjin was a whole package of perfection. He was perfect even with flaws, which were still unfound by everyone. The only fault he had was having no idea exactly how gorgeous he was.

It was okay. Namjoon would always remind him and show him in case he forgot, now that he was with him.

Their little date was the most perfect, except the one time the waitress was about to give Seokjin a note, charmed by his breathtaking beauty and priceless smile.

However, the raven-haired man accompanying the drop-dead handsome male had sent such a steely glare in her way that she'd backed off and didn't even return with their orders after taking them. Instead, a new waitress had served them.

Seokjin was oblivious to all the tension, for Namjoon had maintained his cheerfulness before him, acting as if he'd not seen the waitress nearly give the younger her number and shooed her away with one single stare of his sharp dragon-like eyes previously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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