[09] Flowers For A Flower

350 29 217

Words: 3215

Warnings: swearing, etc.


It was a beautiful blossoming day, and Epiphany had bloomed to life, vibrant colors everywhere in the city, different kinds and species of flowers lighting up every road, place and corner.

Around midday, a tall young man skipped out of Mono Flowers, whistling happily while carrying a gorgeous bouquet of fresh red tulips, his bright mood mirroring the cool, windy day with soft sunshine.

Namjoon was on break from work today, it being a weekend. Finally! I can now concentrate on something a lot more important than work... Such as? Hmm, one and only Seokjinnie of course!

Humming in approval to himself, the six-footer pranced down the street to his car, long silky hair floating in elegant waves with the gentle breeze. Smiling widely as he looked now and then at the bouquet, his fingers skimmed the pretty red flowers. My little angel is gonna love them. I know it.

Namjoon got in his blue car swiftly, closing the door once he sat behind the wheel with the tulips placed over his lap. He cringed a little when he shut the door with a bit too much force, but heaved a sigh of relief to find that he'd not actually broken it down. That'd be so typical of him.

Rolling his eyes at himself, Namjoon started the car and drove off, cranking up the volume of the radio. He felt unusually happy today, and maybe it was because he gets to spend more time with his favorite person now.

Namjoon could sing well besides rapping, but as some of his favorite pop music were played, he sang loudly and tunelessly along with the songs without having anyone to judge him, or feeling any need to keep his unflattering screaming sounds down. Then one of his own songs came up, and he sang to that too, intentionally messing up the pitch and laughing at his own silliness.

I wonder what that cute hamster would've said if he was here with me right now, Namjoon wondered, as he pulled up behind another car as the traffic light shone red.

He pictured himself joking around in the presence of Seokjin, and the younger male bursting into a series of adorable giggles, half-hiding his face behind his sweater paws, beautiful big eyes peeking out happily at Namjoon through his golden brown bangs.

Namjoon arched his neck back and stared at the car ceiling, letting out a loud dreamy sigh, a low whine escaping his lips as he put a hand over his eyes. The huge smile wouldn't leave his face at all no matter how much he tried.

"Damn, Jinnie, what are you doing to my poor heart?" Namjoon mumbled to himself, rubbing his face and trying stop the little chuckles that escaped him at the thought of his sweetheart.

All the rest of the way to the coffee house, Namjoon hummed happily to himself, ignoring the music buzzing on the radio, mind already preoccupied with thoughts of his pretty, petite angel. By the time he reached Serendipity Coffee House, his good mood only lengthened.

Parking his car and grabbing the flowers, Namjoon opened the car door and gracefully emerged from inside, getting out. Not knowing that the people around on the street were watching as soon as they saw the beautiful outstanding car pull up, their own business forgotten in awe at seeing the extremely handsome and tall young owner come out.

"Look at that guy."

"Wow, he looks like a celebrity."

"I know right? He's hot stuff."

"I wonder who he is?!"

"See those flowers? He's probably here on a date."

"Damn it. Why are all the good-looking men always taken?!"

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