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Growing up as a Black wasn't really the coolest thing although I get respect from people once they know my family but it was only from fear.

My Mother Elizabeth Torence was known for practicing Dark magic her and all her family members were born with a gift inherited to each newborn.

My Father Sirius Black the famous Azkaban prisoner he married my mom in the late 80s after they ironically fell in love.

Then I was born I got my mother's green eyes and  I got her personality too she was Strong , wise and calm... I got my father pale skintone harsh treatment also Sense of humor i guess.
Sadly my mother passed away when I was three I don't really remember her but she left with me a dagger I don't know why she would leave a dagger with a three years old girl but I was very little to understand.

My father went nuts after my mother died he would shout and throw things at me and then apologise I was confused then I got used to it.

When I turned seven my father left me and never came to look for me I was alone in the streets after he told me to wait for him untill he gets the ice cream fucking liar.

Unluckily an old man found me in the middle of the night and took me to his house.

"What's your name my dear?" He asked.

"Katherine Black"

"Where are your parent?"

"My father left me and my mother died years ago"

"Sorry to hear that"

"How old are you?"

"Turning 8 in a month"

"Let's get you to bed shall we" the man said.

"Who are you?" I asked

"You can call me Arthur"

He showed me my room tucked me in bed and left .. even though i should be thankful but it didn't feel right about him something was wrong about all this.

And my instinct was right the next day he wake me up and asked me to follow him and i did we entered a dark room with a small source of light he looked the door and got a stick out of his jacket and said something.

"What is this?" I asked innocently.

"This is called a wand Katherine" he said.

"Crucio!" He said and I fell to the ground screaming.

"What are you doing to me!" I screamed

"You have to learn to be strong or else you will die in this world" he said

"Stop!" I screamed shadows revolving around me then Arthur was thrown across the room hitting the wall the feeling of the pain gone after.

"You have dark magic?!" He asked confused with a hint of fear.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dump little girl" he said and approched me putting his wand on my head.

"Stop what are you doing" i said.

"You really don't know" He said with an evil smile across his face

And from that day I kept training and practicing magic for five years then he turned me into a heartless assassin when I turned fifteen I kept killing people till the age of seventeen.

One day we got into a fight about something stupid but he really exaggerated the whole situation and i accidentally couldn't control my magic which caused him being died.

I didn't feel any kind of remorse instead I celebrated getting out of this misery.

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