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"Um professor can I borrow this book" I asked her.

"Sorry dear you're not allowed to" she said coming to take the book from me.

"Why are you reading this book?" She asked worried.

"Is there a problem in the book?" I asked looking at tom who looked concerned too.

"Yes non of you students allowed to read about this type of books" she said taking the book quickly locking it in a drawer.

"You need to leave i have work to do" she said.

I left the class with Tom following behind he then grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking.

"What did you see in that book Katherine?" He asked.

"Nothing that concerns you" I said.

"That wasn't the answer I needed"he said.

I thought for a second.

"I will tell you only under one condition" I said.

"You need to help me find that book and solve some of my homework" I said crossing my hands.

"You're joking right?" He said.
"I definitely am not" i said.

"Alright meet at the end of the day" I said not giving him a chance to speak.

I spent the whole day thinking about the book i didn't give two shits about the class we are literally in the first day and I found a picture of my grandmother in a books talks about dangerous types of dark magic. How Ironic?!

The last minutes in the last class took forever but I managed to keep calm. While I was walking to my dorm I heard my name being called.

"Katherine!" Lorenzo called.

"Hey enzo how are you?" I said we didn't talk much.

"Good.. um I've been meaning to talk to you about something" he said.

"Sorry Enzo I'm kind of late i need to finish my homework" I said.

"It won't take much time I promise but it's important" he said.

"Alright.. I'm all ears" I said.

"No not here " he said talking my hands till we were now walking around the castle snow falling down our noses flushed red from the sudden temperature change.

"Now talk enzo you got me worried here" I said.

"Um you remember the fight Tom had with that guy right" he said.

"You were there?" I asked cause I saw them all at the bar.

"Yes I mean no i was at the party of course but I didn't see the fight I heard some students talking and i asked about it" he said.

"Okay but where is the problem?" I asked.

"Yeah well that guy spread a rumor about you sleeping with riddle and sleeping with bunch of other seven years" he said.

"WHAT! yesterday was literally my first day at school what the hell!" I said

"I know this is all fucked up i just wanted to inform you in case you find people staring" he said

"Thanks Enzo I appreciate it" I said giving him a warm smile.

We said our goodbyes and I left to smoke a joint by a lake i found to get the news I heard out of my mind.

"I mean who would even believe what he said" i told myself.

Hours past it was now dark and sure I would be in trouble since the curfew started.

It was now the time to meet Tom I went to the library to find him there.

"You're late black" he said.

"I lost track of time" I said tautly.

"You're angry what's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing important" I said.

"It doesn't seem like it is from here" he said.

"It's that guy you had a fight with yesterday" I said rolling my eyes in frustration.

"And what about him" He asked frowning.

"he spread a fucking rumor about me sleeping with you and other people" I said.

He gave me an odd look and went to the books which was weird for me but I immediately remembered that riddle has everything but feelings.

"We won't find that book here. Follow me " he said walking into some random hidden door.

"Is that a hidden library or what?" I asked confused.

"It's called restricted section no one is allowed to come here" he said.

"Doesn't look like it from here" I said raising my brows.

"I will help you find the book now tell me about what inside it" he said with curiosity.

He was indeed interested in my magic and the way I effortlessly perform wandless magic.

"A picture of my great grandmother" I said simply.

We kept looking for the book for a good ten minutes then I finally saw it.

"Hey Tom it's up there" I said pointing at the book he got it and I opened it at the same page earlier.

"That's her" I said looking at the picture.

"Andrea Torence the first woman in the Torence Family to create a spell , as she held a strong dark magic that could end anyone and anything,  her family thought she was a threat so she was locked away in an unknown forest for 100 years, but she somehow managed to keep her age 20 by performing a spell she created, she triked one of the passengers and told him that she was kidnapped and he unfortunately helped her to escape and in order to get revenge on her family she cursed her last granddaughter to have the same faith she had so she could revive her from death" I finished what was written under the picture.

"This can't be right" I said with ragged voice.

"Who is the last member of your family?" He asked.

"It was my mom" I said quietly.

"Are you hundred percent sure?" He asked.

"Yes yes one of my grandparents went crazy and went on a killing spree murdering all my aunties but my father helped my mom to escape that's why she is the only one alive" i explained.

Suddenly me and Tom heard footsteps.

"Don't make a sound, alright?" He said and I nodded then he got out to check who it was.

He then suddenly appeared form behind me I was about to scream but he put his hands on my mouth.

"It's me" he whispered.

"Come on we have no time" he said once a gain grabbing my hand.

We walked through corridors but suddenly Tom saw flitch. He grabbed me from my waist and we entered a closet beside us.

My back was facing him he still had his hand warped around my waist and the other on my mouth my breathing was ragged and uneven cause of the sudden action.
He then noticed his hands and removed them.
We waited for couple of minutes but it felt like hours.
"I think flitch left" he said.

"Yeah me too" I said.
We got out of the closet and went to our dorms silently .

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