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I woke up the next day on Lorenzo nearly breaking my door from knocking.

"Wake Up Katherineeee" he was practically yelling.

"I will fucking kill you Berkshire!" I said opening the door with a wave of my hand cause I wasn't fully awake to get up and open it myself.

"What are you a bear?!" He asked.

"No asshole I have sleeping problems I can't actually sleep four hours on a whole!" I said now sitting on the bed.

"No worries I can get you some sleeping potions from Snape's office" he said.

"How can you even do that?" I asked.

"Don't worry me and Snape are good friends" he said rolling his eyes.

"You and Snape huh?" I said slightly laughing.

"God I almost forget why i came here!" he said.

"Better be important because if its not I'm going to burn your hair" I said.

"Don't Touch my hair Katherine we both know you love it, anyways there is a duel tonight don't miss it!" He said.

"Yes I do love your hair, you mean duel as in a fight?" I asked.
"Yes kath what else would it be" he said.

"Alright don't get mad, who's fighting?" I asked.

"It's four rounds with five players , there identity is unknown untill the duel starts" he said.

"When does it start?" I asked.

"Probably at eight but don't worry I will pick you up wear something hot" he said winking.

"Alright Alright now get out I need to at least wash my face" I said.

"Okay lazy bee, see you at 7:30 " he said getting out.
I washed my face and freshen my self up I drank my coffee and got my drawing sketch. Drawing and drifting into my thoughts.
Although two weeks passed since me and tom talked as he was ignoring me for no reason yet we still shared a few glances but never really talked ,old is he twelve?
I spent the past weeks with the boys and we became close friends specially me ,Theodore and Lorenzo.
And I became more familiar with the school.

I walked around the school for a bit till Theodore came.

"Hey you creep" I said.

"You really need to find me another nick name kath" he said with a chuckle

"anyways what brings you it's freezing here?" He asked.

"Come on winter is amazing I have always loved winter it makes me feel alive" i said.

"I prefer autumn" he said raising his brows.

"How was your life back then?" He asked suddenly.

"If you don't mind telling me of course" he said again.

"No no it's alright its just wasn't the best you know" I said

"My mother died when I was young or was she killed? I don't know the whole truth. Since she left us and my father, he started acting differently" I paused for a second remembering everything he did.

"Then he left me infront of a house and the man took good care of me" I said remembering Arthur.

"But it's fine if it wasn't him I'm not sure if i was going to be alive to this moment" i said trying to reduce the tension not wanting him to pity me.

"Are you going to the duel?" I asked changing the subject.

"You heard about it already?" He asked amused.

"Yeah Enzo told me this morning"i said

"Great and yes I'm going" he said.
We went back to the school.

"Alright see you there kath"

"You will"

I went to my dorm to get ready cause it was nearly time and I didn't want to be late.

I wore a black tight mini skirt with a black top.
I did my hair my makeup thanks to Astoria who helped me.

It was now 7:30 Enzo will be here any moment I fixed my hair and sprayed some perfume I heard a knock so I opened the door.

"Wow Katherine you look... amazingly Hot!" He said with a look of amusement.

"Why thank you Enzo you cleaned up so good" i said with a chuckle.

"May I?" He said holding my hands I simply nodded.

We apparated to the place we were heading to.. when we arrived it looked normal from the outside just an old building but Enzo went to talk to a poor man sitting next to the building he gave him a Card and a door appeared out of nowhere.

"What the heck?"

"Just come in" he said.

We entered and oh my god it was like a nightclub but even better i saw couple of seven years students here and bunch of wizards from other schools I assume and then I saw the boys i walked to them with enzo.

"Looking hot as always!" I said to Theodore.

"Shut up look at you!" He said we were practically yelling cause of the music.

"Revealing much?" Draco said disappointed.

"Enzo told me to wear something hot!" I said.

"Sorry mate" Enzo said.

"It's alright Draco I'm here with you guys nothing is going to happen!" I said.

"Where is the other one?" I asked referring to Riddle.

"He should be here any second" Blaise said.

"Alright let's have fun shall we!" Enzo said he took my hands and we started dancing.
"Guys the duel is starting!" Theodore shouted to us.

"First we have Sylvian Cabot!"

"Wizards and witchs let the duel begin!" A man shouted.

A Guy entered at first I didn't recognise him but then I saw his face fully. It was the same guy that tried to harass me.
Which made me uneasy my stomach immediately flipped remembering what happened.

"Duelling with Hazron Bradford!"

The duel started at first Hazron gave him quick punchs making him fall but he stood up and beated the shit out of him he was strong compared to Hazron and his win was certain.

"Next we have Dante Presley!"

"Duelling with Tom Riddle!"

I immediately eyed the boys.

"He didn't tell us!" Enzo shouted.

"He's going to win anyways" Blaise said.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"One thing you should know about Riddle kath.. he never loses" Theodore said.

"Let The Duel Begin!" The man shouted.

Tom took his coat off showing his perfect muscles with the abs covered with some scars.

Dante started throwing punchs towards Riddle but none hit him he looked calm like he knows every step his opponent is talking tom started to punch he hit him in his face couple of times till he was close to fainting And boom Tom Wins.

The duels carried one two more time Sylvian fought again as well as Tom they were both strong and ended the opponents in matter of seconds.

"And now for the final round!"

"We have Tom Riddle against Sylvian Cabot!"

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