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I put my things in the bag and headed towards the library, when I heard someone calling me.

"Black wait" Tom called, so I turned to look at him.

"Yes Tom?" I said

"Meet me tonight at 8" he said smoothly.

"And why is that?" I said raising my brows.

"To discuss the assignment Dumbledore just gave us" he said with a flat tone.

"Can we discuss it Tomorrow?" I asked as I wasn't feeling well.

"We don't have time black he clearly gave us a month Because the
implementation is difficult" he said.

"Alright 8 it is" I said because i didn't want to argue with him.

He left me and i continued heading to the library, I sat down and took the book I was reading about my grandmother trying to see if there was any thing I could do to break the curse.

I mean is it really a curse? or a gift?. I'm in full control of my magic but I'm afraid I haven't been able to experience the rest of its limits yet.

Even though i looked and read carefully I found nothing it's like the curse can't be broken i left the negative thoughts aside and continued searching till I felt dizzy again and i went straight to my dorm as i looked in the mirror i found blood dripping from my nose I got a napkin to stop the bleeding and got me pill bottle but before i hold it I heard a knock on my door.

"You can enter, the door is open" I said sitting on the bed.

"Oh hey you creep" I said smiling to Theodore.

"Hey sunshine, what the hell is that!?" He said pointing at my nose.

"Nothing to worry about i just forgot to take my pills" I said.

"I don't think so" he said narrowing his eyes,He then sat next to me.
"Seriously I'm fine theo" I said smiling.

"Since when do you bleed like that?" He asked.

"I don't know it was since i was young but Arthur told me it was because I used more magic than usual" i said

"Have you today?" He asked

"No" I shortly answered the question.

"What about you?" I asked changing the weird topic.

"What about me?" He asked back with a chuckle.

"I mean you've never told me about your self so go on tell me" I said raising my brows.

"Alright, so as you know I come from a long, broad family of Death Eaters, and my family is one of the Dark Lord's favorites. My father always wanted to prove my presence to the Dark Lord, so he sent me to train with Malfoy at his manor, and we trained the worst training you can imagine. We were beaten and burned when we were young, and my mother did nothing even though she knew. My father oh He was very angry and she was afraid of him until the day I learned that she had committed suicide, but I did not feel sad. All the cruelty to which I was subjected made my heart like a stone I didn't even go to her funeral she didn't deserve anything good from me" he finished talking, even though he had a straight face i could see his watery eyes, tears didn't dare to fall. he was strong I know but he was also a human with feelings.

"I'm sorry Theo" i said putting my hands on his face.

"I don't want your pitty Katherine but i appreciate you trying to calm me of course" he said

"I didn't mean to, you know that, it's just I can't even imagine how it feels I mean i did had the worst years of my life with Arthur but sure thing its not like yours" i said.

"Have you ever talked to anyone about this?" I askd
"No one knows about this , except our group" he said and I nodded.

"But you know I feel much better now" he said smiling.

"Really? " I asked.

"Uhm, you're the best listener ever Black I will give you that" he said.

"I don't like talking much about my self" I said proudly.

"You Narcissistic bitch" he said laughing.
He then suddenly stopped.
"What is it?" I asked shocked

"What time is it?" He asked.

"I don't know properly six or something" I said confused.

"Shit my Assignments" he said.

"You fucking asshole I thought it was something important" I said shoving him.

"WHAT?! My assignments ARE Important! But I would love to stay here more Sunshine but I'm going to fail and you're never seeing me again" he said quickly which made me laugh.

"Alright Alright go and finish your homework kid" I said smiling.

Once Theodore left I instantly searched for my pills but it was empty i looked around for another bottle but I found nothing which means I need to go back home 'amazing' i thought.
I decided to go to Tom cause I got bored.

I knocked twice but he didn't answer so I entered.
Tom didn't bother to look behind he knew no one could do this but Her even though it bothered him how she doesn't give him the respect he wanted, but he liked the fact that he could have someone that actually like his company and not talking to him because of fear.

As I entered I found him setting on his chair ready a book 'typical Tom' I Thought
"You're early" he said without looking at me.

"I got bored" I said then i sat on his bed.

"Mmm I forgot how comfy your bed was" I said Yawning.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you" i said annoyed.

"Sorry where are my manners" he said with a monotonous tone giving me ahalf smile.

"What now?" She asked.

"You actually interrupted me so shut up antil I'm done with my book" he said.

"Don't be boring Tommy Tom  get up and come with me" I said standing up taking his hands.

"Leave me alone Black" he huffed but before he could say anything else I apparated us to my house.

"You should have told me before you do that" he said.

"Why are scared Tom?" I asked smirking.

"Where are we black?" He asked looking around.

The house was dusty and there was alot of spider webs everywhere i could swear that I saw rats too.
I walked around and saw pictures of me and Arthur hanging on the wall.

"You looked so innocent" Tom said behind me.

"Yeah I know" I said smiling.

"Anyways that's not why we're here" I said getting upstairs to my dorm while Tom following me behind.

"Tell me why we're here or im leaving" he said.

"I'm searching for something" I said while searching I looked under my bed, in the drawers , behind my desk , in my wardrobe till I found it behind my billow.

"There you are" I said with a winning smile.

"So you brought me here cause you are an addict" he said.

"No dumpass these are my pills" I said.

"Watch your words Katherine" he said.

"Or what huh?"

"You don-" I put my hand on his mouth to stop him from taking.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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