secret room

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In the far back of NRC library, there's a secret pathway not many know of.
Pulling down on those three useless books no one will ever use will open up the path, walking down the darkly lit hallway you'll eventually get to a door. Behind that door...


"Mm? Yes, Trey?"
I looked up in confusion at my green haired friend.

"I was asking if you'd be free to hang out with me and chenya."

"Oh, of course, as long as I'm not busy."

"I was also thinking of bringing Cater with us too. Do you think that'd be okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be? We're all friends, and I'm sure chenya and Cater will get along." I said, skimming through my notes.

"That's good to hear..... well, I'm gonna head off. Don't work too hard, alright?"

"Will do. Send me the details later."

"Alright, see ya later." Trey walked off, leaving the library with a wave. 

I should probably pack up, I'm starting to get thirsty, and there's no one in sight. Up we go...

Walking down the rows of dusty bookshelves, I make my way to the farthest and darkest part of the library. Most people hardly use the books here, let alone going in the way back.

Getting to a corner, I stop, looking all around me to make sure I'm truly alone. The last thing I need is for my secret to come to light.

I've been a student here for going on two years, and I'm the house warden for heartslabyul now. This means I have a lot more responsibilities on top of everyone knowing who I am, if I mess up just once, and someone finds out... it'll be really bad. I'm not sure what I'd even do.

Shaking my thoughts clear, I reach for the first book to my left, an old torn history book with gold markings. Next is the right one near the bottom, a nice red leather, and the one in the middle and almost out of my reach a teal blue with silver details.

After pulling them down in order, they fling back into place opening up a part of the bookshelf, walking into the gloomy hallway I get to the first lamp in the wall and push it forward closing the door behind me.

Even though this place is dark and kinda gives me the creeps, it's a nice getaway. Somewhere, I can actually be alone.

Opening the door at the end, I walk into what looks to be a lounge room. There's a huge couch, a table in the middle, a mini kitchen, and is well decorated.

I've been so tired all day. Reaching into the fridge, I pull out a pouch of blood, grabbing a straw from the counter. I take a seat on the couch and start sipping away.


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