Forest Tragedy

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In a crowded world, our eyes did meet,
A moment's glance, a love so sweet.
In that fleeting second, our souls took flight,
Captured forever in love's gentle light.

Two hearts entwined, destiny's decree,
A love at first sight, meant to be.
Like stars aligned in the velvet night,
Our love ignited, burning bright.

With every word and every touch,
Our love grew strong, it meant so much.
In the tapestry of life, our threads did weave,
A love at first sight, we chose to believe.

Through the storms and sunny days,
Our love blossomed in countless ways.
For in that instant, fate was right,
A love at first sight, our guiding light.

So cherish the magic when two hearts unite,
In the dance of love at first sight.
For it's a gift from above, pure and true,
A timeless bond between me and you.

As the sun continued its steady journey across the sky, Padmini remained blissfully ignorant of the clandestine admirer who harboured an affection so profound that he was willing to trade his very existence and joy to ensure hers. With each passing day, his devotion burned brighter, a flame kept hidden in the depths of his heart's sanctuary, a secret love that painted his world with hues of both elation and melancholy. The tapestry of their lives was woven with threads of longing and secrecy, a tale of unspoken words and stolen glances, destined to unfold against the backdrop of time's relentless march.

After a few days:

In the dappled embrace of the forest, Padmini embarked on her hunting expedition, her heart pounding with anticipation and her bowstring taut. She yearned for the thrill of the chase, the triumph of conquering nature's mightiest beasts. Yet, fate, in its capriciousness, had other designs for her that day.

With unwavering focus, she drew her arrow, aimed at a rustling in the underbrush, and released. But the arrow, meant for a ferocious lion, instead found its mark in the form of a man. The forest echoed with a haunting groan that sent shivers down Padmini's spine.

Intrigued and alarmed, she hastened toward the source of that anguished cry. There, amidst a clearing dappled by the golden sun, lay a man, writhing in agony. The arrow had found its path just above his heart, a perilous dance with death. His laboured breaths painted the air with tension as he glimpsed Padmini's approach.

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