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Ahhhh a loud screaming shriek was echoing in the big palace room. The daima looked at the queen worried after seeing her all tired which made her think if she can push anymore or not.

"I think I fell in love with you," she whispered, her words carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions. Her eyes glistened with a hint of sadness, but a fragile smile graced her lips.

He gazed at her, his eyes reflecting sincerity and wisdom. "You should not fall in love with any random person, Princess," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Love," she whispered, her voice a soft caress in the moonlit night, "is an eternal dance, Kuwar sa, where patience is the melody, and waiting is the graceful step."

His gaze fixated on her image, and an unyielding determination stirred within him. "You shall be mine," he declared, indifferent to the bonds of matrimony that might shackle her. He cared not for her will, for his desire burned brighter than the constraints of society.

In a tender embrace, his fingers caressed my face, guiding me gently to recline upon the cool expanse of the marble. His lips embarked on a journey of affection, bestowing delicate kisses upon my forehead, eyelids, and the bridge of my nose, a symphony of tenderness. A sequence of soft pecks graced my lips, igniting a sweet connection before his path of devotion meandered to the curve of my neck, where both kisses and gentle, lingering caresses left an indelible mark.

With a triumphant gleam in her eyes, she declared, "Your misconceptions crumbled like ashes in the face of my victory." Her resolute steps led her boldly into the fire's embrace, a fearless testament to her indomitable spirit, leaving no doubt that she had emerged triumphant in the battle of wills.

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