Swayamvar Cancelled?

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In the shadows of the midnight's grace,
A heartbroken lover finds their place.
With tears that glisten in the moon's soft light,
They navigate the depths of a starless night.

A shattered heart, a soul adrift,
In the sea of memories, they softly drift.
Each whispered word, a painful echo,
Of a love that once set their world aglow.

Their heart, a fragile, wounded thing,
Like a broken bird with a clipped wing.
Searching for solace in the inky sky,
As silent tears fall, they wonder why.

Why love's sweet promise turned to pain,
Leaving scars that forever remain.
In the heart of the night, they weep and mourn,
For a love that's lost and never to return.

Yet in the depth of their sorrow's embrace,
They find a quiet, sacred space.
To heal, to mend, to find their way,
Toward a brighter, hopeful, brand-new day.

For time will pass, wounds will mend,
And broken hearts will love again.
In the ashes of love's bitter end,
A stronger, wiser soul will ascend.

In the tranquil chamber, the grand event of the swayamvar loomed just five days away, yet Padmini lay ensconced in shadows of sorrow. Her eyes, once radiant and alive, now bore the heavy burden of countless tears, leaving them puffy and stained with red. The nights had offered no solace, granting her only sleeplessness and an endless cascade of despair.

Her once vibrant countenance had transformed into a haunting visage of paleness, a stark testament to her dwindling appetite. The very essence of her being seemed to wither, mirroring the turmoil within her heart, as the weight of impending decisions bore down upon her.

After hours spent in the labyrinth of her thoughts, Padmini found herself at a critical juncture in her emotional struggle. The question loomed before her, a persistent whisper in her mind: Was it wise to punish herself for emotions she couldn't control?

With newfound determination, she rose from the confines of her tear-soaked bed, casting aside the shackles of self-inflicted suffering. Her voice carried authority as she commanded Malti to prepare a bath, a cleansing ritual to wash away the turmoil that clung to her like a heavy shroud. Padmini's steps toward the bath were symbolic, a silent promise to herself that she would confront her emotions and seek clarity in the waters of contemplation.

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